Jurassic World & Mockingjay, great idea for a spinoff combining The Hunger Games and Jurassic Park. Katniss hunting Raptors with a bow!
Jurassic World & Mockingjay, great idea for a spinoff combining The Hunger Games and Jurassic Park. Katniss hunting Raptors with a bow!
Harvest Season, eats up all the hours.
If Cool were a walking-talking person, upon meeting Paul Rudd Cool would remark, "That guy's pretty fuckin' cool."
I was 8 when I saw Pulp Fiction and I was engaged the whole time. Same for Jackie Brown on my 10th birthday, I never knew what a bail bondsman was before that, thanks Quentin Tarantino/Elmore Leonard!
So having a family is definitely a mistake then.
Nathan is like Bryan Singer, the Av Club is like the Xmen franchise, and I guess that makes The Dissolve Superman Returns. It fits.
I thought the exact same thing when they have a non detective police officer working on the case, felt very James Ellroy-ish, kind of like how in The Black Dahlia the main cops are Warrant Officers incidentally investigating a Homicide through a Inter-Departmental Task Force.
upvoted for the Sue Storm analysis.
Shit Chris Evans is only 34? Dude actually was age appropriate for Not Another Teen Movie? Always thought they cast a 27 year old in that as an inside joke about teen movies.
John Belushi wouldve made for an interesting Wolverine. Either this movie above or even Red Dawn.
Leto HAS an Oscar, so let's try this from a different angle, no?
or worse, he inspires the Suicide Squad to turn over a new leaf, except for Harley Quinn.
The movie I never knew I wanted: Ben Affleck vs. Will Smith.
Chuckie from Southie vs. The Fresh Prince of Bell Air.
hope that in context he wants to save the world "…so we can take it over and run this joint." that would make sense.
I think they need to lighten up on the oppressive score during scenes of people wandering around, staring at shit.
Well, he also eats his own boogers, kind of like the animators over at Dreamworks and Pixar.
They really shouldn't be classified as movies. They're fucking stupid cartoons for people who never age emotionally or intellectually past the age of 9. "Oooooh, pretty colors and manipulation! YAY!"
You should be ashamed of yourself, Horseshit CGI crap for kids does not deserve your tears.
You do know what a comedy is, right?