Giant Bearded Face?

Probably a month after the Blazers draft him.

Remember the old “...those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them...” thing.

its an LC, not a Taco.

24 pictures in the ad and not one single shot of the underside. Yet they have FIVE shots of the rear seat. Pass.

Feed chicken paprikash to the pet flamingo: Noted.

One from the driver, one from the passenger. Posi-craption!

a robust trade up in Canada where these cars were sold for years. ... it’s likely that the nation to the north is where this ex-pat Russian originally called home

Don’t I know all about it.

I am putting my car-salesman hat on. Its a NP. Well desired, ‘old people in South Carolina/Florida with tons of money’ following, VERY clean, low mileage, and rare color.

You want an early 00s Toyota convertible sportscar with a tape deck. Get a MR2 Spyder. You want a 00s Toyota convertible cruiser with a back seat. Get a Solara. Both will be cheaper and the MR2 will have a lot less miles. If you must get a Lexus badge or SC? Get the SC300.

Spanish speaking countries are great places for serving missions because you can usually find Jesus

You want me to not insult Donald Trump? The on-the-record racist, sexist, classist, sexual-assaulting bully-coward unqualified for anything more than public laughingstock. That’s your problem? That calling me him a name is, uh, ‘leading to people snapping’? I guess things would be better if we just ignored his

“My name is KIIIIIICKKKKKKKK, KICK ROCKKKKSSS. I love that song too.”

PA lets you transfer plates so it’s likely the plate came from another car the seller owned.

“It’s funny to hear a female write about concussions.”

+3/5 of the time, it works every time

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

RIP Wentz’ mobility.

He and David should team up to start a hoopty cannonball run.