Garreth Dottin

To be honest as a huge fan of the movie, I wouldnt spend too much time comparing. Fargo Coen's brothers movie is obviously far superior. And while i think the show is pretty good, i think if you go in expecting something different albeit less than the movie it can be enjoyable for periods.

Yea I agree I think TD was better too, my point was that people who like Fargo better want a show thats more wholesome, positive and clear cut. I even said at the end "while thats not my preferred story".

Thats true but theres much more sacrifice on that road towards it. Fargo everyone gets what they want within a year. There's no real toil which as we all know isnt life. In TD Rusty and Marty have lost almost everything, and they find friendship and reaffirm life after a struggle. In Fargo, the main characters

Yea different opinions. I think people will feel differently about Fargo in a few months. I believe that if I asked any Fargo fan in a few months recount to me a scene that really pulled them with Molly they'll struggle to do so. But 4 years later I can still tell you scenes from The shield that pulled at me.

I think your point gets to why most people prefer Fargo, and its not bc of the acting, writing or even the character development. Its the fact that is has an upbeat positive reaffirming ending. And while thats not my preferred story, I think thats a valid reason.

Im glad the Shield still gets respect for ending better than any show ever has. I just read a comment of someone putting this above the Shield which just shows me how quickly people crown new things and forget lasting quality. I would love to hear this discussion a month out.

LOL at Fargo being better than the Shield thats just absurd. Any true fan of The Shield would never do that. The characters were more fully formed, the drama more intense, the dialogue was way better.

I couldnt agrere more with this statement, not even white and I agree with this sentiment.

It's really not even close and I think its embarassing this comparison is being made. The writer says that he's tired of cliches. I dont know a story that is more cliched than Fargo, the tv series. The bad guys are all killed off in the end. The good guys get married and find all the evidence they need. True Detective

First off please remove your condescending tone if you disagree with me fine, no need to disparage too. Of course this is a tv show that doesn't have a character spelling out their feelings most good shows don't use that technique. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't see an emotional range. I didn't feel that I saw

I dont see a single example in any comment on this of you describing the characters actions. Also the character development I expect from a two hour movie is slightly different than what i expect from over 12 hours of television. Fargo the movie was more of a dark comedy than this show ever was and thats one of the

No you don't have to a crazy montage to show struggle. They could have more conversations with her father about the case. But they instead went with a Mary Sue character with few complex emotions.

I wanted to see some complexity as to her emotion. They showed the board of evidence she had created that looked like a crazy person had put together. But didnt show any of the emotional turmoil of creating it of struggling against the system. She just kinda went about her day in the show. If you want to see a piece

Because good guys win bad guys lose

Personally I gave this a B- because I liked Lester's performance. But this was the most cookie cutter story Ive watched all year

As someone who trolled me n this group all said quality is completely subjective. I thought albeit cheesy Heroes was more entertaining during its 1st season. But the most similar thing I can think of between Heroes and fargo was both shows were masquerading as being much deeper than what they actually were

for a short while hes a way better actor than that though

I really would like to see Turturro and Jeff Goldblum do something together

Turturro would be an interesting take. He could actually provide some more complexity unlike Allison Tolman

Didnt really understand where Gus got the stones to do such a thing. It wasnt like during the show we were seeing him becoming more bold in fact it was the opposite.