Garnet McGee

The writers have done a great job of explaining why Jane loves Michael. Not only does not want to be with Rafael, she regrets choosing to be with him in the first place. I can only accept her with Raf if Michael is out of the picture. I used to think Baldoni was boring but it was just the obviousness of the pairing

I like Prof. Donaldson and I like that Jane has a work life and ambitions but the execution of the storyline has seemed repetitive and shallow. Every week she is rushing around because she thinks she will be fired or needs to fix something with her advisor. The pace of the story is too frenetic. The grad student stuff

Yes. Please. He would be perfect for Xo.

I'm team Michael but I agree. I get the impression that Rafael is endgame. The writers are going down one path and then they'll pull a switcheroo just like they did with the sex of Jane's baby.

Yes. Always Queen Petra. Go Team Jetra.

Where is Luisa? Surely she comes back at the last minute.

I have a feeling he'll be so upset by Jane's marriage that he hops into bed with Petra (only of course it will be Anezka).

I really hope that doesn't happen but I can't think of what other surprise she might get.

This episode had some great funny moments and heart tugging ones but overall it was disappointing. The birthday party and strike plots made it unnecessarily complicated. Every week it seems that she is planning a new event or trying to keep from getting fired.. It should have been more focused on the wedding. The

After watching a lifetime of Sonny/Mason, Kitty/Kelly, Robert/Quinn, Adam/Stuart twin pairs on daytime soaps Anezka is pretty fun and low key.

Her underhanded scheme should have been based on something she had actually seen. It would have made more sense had she purposely done something wrong at the hotel and made it look like it was Jane's fault.

They keep on referring to clones and evil twins as being telenovela 101. I know there was a soap called El Clon but are those plots really used all that much in telenovelas? American soaps rely on their trusty back from the dead tropes and others because they run for 72 years and sometimes actors move on. Are all

As a long time lover of American style soaps its the over top shenanigans that work for me more than the drama about the baby. Didn't we see very similar scenes when Jane wanted to consult a custody attorney? Anezka cracks me up and I can hardly wait for her turn to the evil side. It didn't make sense to me how she

At one point it was mentioned that the father of Victoria/Valeria suddenly and mysteriously vanished from their lives. Was that foreshadowing?

I get very frustrated that they introduce these great characters that we hardly ever see like Lina, Luisa, and Susanna.

Yes, it was very romantic.

They had those plastic surgery suites. Maybe she is someone else who has had surgery to look like Petra.

They do have great chemistry too. I just don't see where they can go with the plot if Jane and Michael marry but I'm hoping they will come up with something good. I have a bad feeling that Rafael and Jane are endgame.

The Derek plot was rushed and isn't really holding my attention. Where is Luisa? The rest of the episode was great. I loved the scenes with Lina and Angela. I wish they had filled the party bus with some of the minor characters we've seen Jane interact with like the lady from the city bus who helped her while she was

The whole idea that Jane must save herself for marriage is ridiculous and offensive but the writers are so brilliant that at her decision is understandable because of her family dynamic. I was really hoping she would lose her virginity before marriage because otherwise Jane becomes a role model for waiting until