Garnet McGee

Not much else to add. I would give it a B-. I can tolerate Jand and Raf but they aren't my favorite couple. I hope we see more of Chuck. Petra deserves someone in her life who loves only her.

I loved this episode until Jane's heart was set a glow by Raf's declaration. I can tolerate Raf and Jane but prefer him with Petra. I really hope we see more of Chuck. Chuck and Petra have real potential. I was really enjoying the Chuck/Petra/Raf triangle. Why does this show have 22 episodes a season. Ten or Fifteen

Finally Jane got to have guilt free non-marital sex! The hotness of those scenes made up for all that abstinence in the first two seasons. I wish the scenes with Fabian were longer.

I thought I was the only person bugged by the way they portray telenovelas on the show. The ones my mom watches are all romances. It also bugged me that Tiago's time travels were set during important moments in U.S. history. Why would the international Spanish speaking audience be so interested in U.S. history? Are

The time jump has really robbed the show of its drama. Even though this episode was more enjoyable than the previous post-Michael episodes this show has too many episodes per season. Season one seemed almost perfect with very little filler. The writers had a conclusion they were writing towards for the season finale

I'm catching up on this show. It isn't a masterpiece but it is intriguing. My biggest gripe is the casting of GQ models in the young roles. That Ashley is very bland and unconvincing. Hawk looks like he is in graduate school. He looks more like a male model than a high school student.

Is Robert James and Zilpha's son? This show was flawed but I was drawn in by its very singular world.

This show used to mesmerize me. I couldn't be pried away from the TV during Jane. The C grade is deserved. How can I care about these stories that were never developed? What was the big deal about Raf not being a Solano if they resolved the whole matter in a few episodes. The episodes feel like filler. It makes me

I liked enough to give it another try. Thankfully they are giving more roles to women in this one than the original . I'm glad they toned down some of the sexual violence. The lead actress has potential. Kate del Castillo's performance is one of the best I've seen anywhere. They failed to really establish the

I was wondering if any Venezuelans watch the show. It drives me bananas when characters are supposed to be from one country but have accents from another country. American TV does this constantly by casting Cubans and Puerto Ricans as Mexicans. We sound very different! I think American TV executives assume no one

I can't really adore Alba because she pushes her beliefs on others.

I had forgotten about the line about the weight. It probably is Rogelio's but I doubt season 3 will have another pregnancy in it.

I totally agree which is why I have always liked Petra more than Jane.

I wish they would trim some of the repetitive shenanigans and give more time to the Corderos, Xo, Lina, and Alba. Why did we waste time on Petra marrying Milos when we could have had more development for other characters.

I suspect that Urman is team Rafael.

I wish they had some of the same passengers from the previous season on the bus.

It would make sense for the Xo character to have an abortion but this is American television and abortion almost never happens. Look at the reactions just on this website. I predict she will decide to have an abortion than fall down a flight of stairs or be felled by a falling book case. or run over by Sin Rostro.

I miss Lina too. She should have been a bigger part of the wedding.

I would give this episode an A+ rating. I would give the season overall a B or B-. It wasn't as funny or involving as season one. The major flaw in the writing is the quick introduction and then departure of all these minor characters whose plot involvement seems like filler. It made the season seem choppy. I wish the

I really liked the character of Susana so I'm sad that we won't see that actress again.