Garnet McGee

I suspect that a number of the #TeamRafael fans are socially conservative and for them a happy ending can only mean the traditional family of Mommy, Daddy, Baby. They also hoped the twins are not Rafael's. At least no matter who Rafael ends up with we will have some co-parenting and non-traditional families.

I can't go to the facebook page anymore because of the childish TeamRafael people.

This was another outstanding episode. There were so many great moments but the highlight for me was the confrontation between Xo and Alba. Alba was finally called out on her harmful and ridiculous slut shaming. I appreciated that instead of being celibate Rafael finally enjoyed some sex. I actually enjoy his

I really prefer the AV club to Facebook and twitter for discussing JtV. All the facebook fans are team Rafael and team abstinence.

Those Team Rafael fans on facebook and twitter are really annoying. There is so much more to discuss than why Rafael and Jane need to be together so they can have the perfect family.

I really hope that Rafael is the father of Petra's babies. I don't think they will do a surprise paternity on us but I was getting that vibe about Scott. If Raf was not the father then how could they continue to connect Petra to everyone else on the canvas. I get annoyed how this show quickly resolves plot lines and

I am so ready for Jane not to be a virgin anymore especially if her first sexual experience is with Jonathan. I am Team Michael but Jane and Prof. Tennis Shorts are hot. The virgin aspect of the show really bothers me and I wish we could dispense with it. At least a sexually active unmarried Jane would drive away all

I agree that Raf and Petra make a more interesting story. I wish the writers hadn't decided to have Petra lie about being hit by Raf. That action is almost impossible to overcome. I suspect that Raf and Jane fans like them because they like the idea of the conventional happy ending with the bio mom/bio dad and kid all

Is anyone else irritated at the lack of sexy times on this show? It is bad enough that Jane continues to save her virginity for marriage but now no one get to have sex. This show managed to be sexy in season one because Jane and Alba were the only abstainers. We need more sex on this show. I am also irritated by

The strongest part of the episode was the chemistry between Petra and Jane. I'm looking forward to these two sharing more scenes. I was sad that Michael acted in a way that hurt Mateo and ended his budding romance with his one true love. The Britney stuff was a complete waste of air time. I would have rather spent

A dastardly turn on Raf's part would be an improvement for his character. It would be great if he resorted to the same kind of deception that Michael practiced in season one.

I wish the show would drop some of the zanier crime stories and incorporate more about Michael. We saw his family in the beginning but we never see them anymore.

I am firmly #TeamMichael but if Jane and Raf were to be together I would love for Petra and Michael to end up together. I am sucker for Quadrangle storylines.

Random thoughts. The only part of the episode I didn't like was the Mutter stuff and the scenes with Michael's new partner. I'm ready for this Sin Rostro plot to get moving in a different direction. Luisa is hilarious but she is intelligent enough to have become a doctor. I wish the writers would remember that. I was

I want the characters to have a little more heart but this show still cracks me up. I love Pepe and Uncle Deadly.

I'll be her friend. She actually has a best friend, her mother.

I also love Petra and do not want her to create problems for Michael and Jane.

I want Petra to have a healthy infant but I wouldn't mind if it was someone else's baby. It would be repetitive if Raf became a father again.

I need more of Petra too.

This show had a lot of the energy and heart that the first episodes of season one had. It moved fast but not too fast. I loved almost all of it. I'm a big Kate del Castillo fan so I was thrilled to bits by her appearance. It didn't make sense that abortion was on the table as an option for Petra. Since her pregnancy