Garnet McGee

I thought I was the only one that preferred Petra and Rafael together. It's just more compelling because she loved him so much once. Jane and Raf are too obvious.

I agree that it was a little too much. The business dealings usually feel like after thoughts that speed by too fast. They need to slow down the business plots. I am firmly team Michael. This show has so much heart that I'm confident Petra will not suffer another miscarriage. They can't be that cruel to my favorite

My only complaint about the show is that I wish the characters were a little nicer and not as mean. I wish they had more heart but I love the show anyway. I laughed until I fell off the bed when Sam the Eagle started singing.

This was a satisfying start but I wish they had slowed the action down just a bit. So much happened after Jane gave birth. I wish they had at least inserted a time jump of several days. Michael was handsome and heroic as he always is.

I agree. Rafael is the bland telenovela hero. He is handsome but not nearly as unique or likeable as Michael. He finally got interesting when paired with Petra. The idea of the baby's bio parents getting together is too predictable. I want this show to either have Jane with Michael or show Jane by herself.

I really missed Ivan. I was hoping he would fall in love with Petra or better yet Magda. It was so good to see Magda and Luisa again. I wasn't crazy about the wrestling. It just seemed like a bit of distracting filler. It frustrates me how the show introduces minor characters and plots and then drops them. It makes

Agree. Raf and Petra are so much more interesting than Raf and Jane. Michael and Jane are much more watchable too. I hope Raf and Jane aren't endgame. It would be clichéd to have the parents end up together. I would prefer to see Raf and Jane as co parents instead of romantic partners.

Even though it's called Jane the Virgin I hate it when they bring up her virginity for the reasons you stated. It creeps me out when Abuela gives her outdated advice from the 1950's.

I prefer Petra to Jane. If they ever wrote her out of the show I might stop watching.

I don't see why so many fans want to paint Michael as the bad guy. After patiently waiting for two years he was saddled with this surprise pregnancy. He was desperate to keep Jane so he did some shady things. I'm starting to like Rafael. He isn't nearly as interesting as Michael though. I would rather see Raf and

I used to watch episode on the night that it aired. Then I would watch it at least once more. Now I can wait later in the week to watch and I watch just once. I appreciate that Jane and Rafael's conflict is realistic instead of based on a misunderstanding. Some of the plots have become too rushed on this show while

I love Michael and Brett Dier's portrayal of him. I think Baldoni is a fine actor I just don't care about his character very much.

It is annoying how some beats in the plot have not been played and have been allowed to remain undeveloped. I don't need new character I just need them to fully explore all the characters already on the canvas.

#TeamMichael! I love your corgi avatar. Is the corgi yours?

I will always be #teammichael. Those Jane and Michael moments just make my heart melt. This was a good episode but I don't feel the overwhelming passion for this show I used to feel. Too many of the subplots have been quickly wrapped up or put on hold. I enjoyed Petra's mom and their hostage and would have liked to

This show has interesting characters, great actors, and some very satisfying soapy moments but the pacing is awful. They've condensed 4 seasons worth of plot in 10 episodes. Jamal's coming out journey could have been explored with more depth and detail. Why was the Lola plot even needed? To give another example, I

After hearing raves about this show for years I gave it a try. I watched the first four episodes and was underwhelmed. Alicia's marriage is interesting but the court cases were predictable and seemed like they had been written for Matlock. It wasn't character driven. In the episodes I saw she either wins or comes out

I really hope you are right but I have a strong suspicion that Rafael and Jane are endgame because they are having a baby together. It would be nice if Xo and Rogelio ended up together and Jane and Raf did not. I don't want the moral of the story to be that parents belong together. Wouldn't it be nice to see a more

This show has a terrible habit of introducing delightful characters and then making them disappear without giving them adequate storylines. I fear Diablo will go the way of those funny twins, the two nuns, Ivan, and Mute Betty. He was funny but we will never see him again.

Michael's actions are understandable and they make him a vulnerable character. Rafael is ok but not complex enough for me.