Garnet McGee

The show doesn't delight me like it used to. I like Petra so much more than judgey Jane right now.

The show title is awful. None of my friends want to watch it. One of the reasons people watch TV is to live vicariously through the characters. The title makes the show sound prudish. Who wants to fantasize about not having sex?

I agree with you. The cow argument is so sexist and dated yet Alba is seen as a wise heroine by fans of the show.

Petra and Raf are interesting. Michael and Jane are great. I happen to find Raf and Jane the least rootable of all the couples on this show.

I like it when they make Hakeem sweet but stupid. I want to see more of that side of him. It makes his relationship with his girlfriend more believable.

I usually love business plots but the race to save Empire was not nearly as interesting as that elevator scene. I want to see more scenes where we learn what effect Cookie's absence had on everyone.

Cookie is the opposite of a slut. She said she had only been with one man in her entire life.

The plot is overstuffed. Jamal has a kid that we almost never see. Cookie had someone killed and we never heard of it again. They just need to slow things down so we can remain invested in these characters. I want to know more about Andre and Rhonda. This show is flawed but I find myself watching it every week anway,

Did it bother anyone else that the writers did not have Raf think about or mention Petra's miscarriage? Raf knows that the worst can happen. It would have been in character for him to be nervous and scared.
Petra deserves a man who truly appreciates her not one who cheats on her and is not worthy of her like Rafael. I

Jane and Michael were so authentic and interesting. I hope it will happen but I know it won't.

So frustrating. From an article about Empire I read…. "from that stacking rights that allowed networks to stream all episodes of their the current seasons of their series, beyond the so-called “rolling five,” the most recent five episodes. This has become a big issue for serialized series.

I love and miss Michael and Jane together. I am baffled about the love for Jane and Raf as a couple. I liked them at first but Jane is already too saintly and perfect. Putting her with a man that has no flaws is not interesting. Raf is too perfect to be interesting.

There are so many elements of the show I love but I tolerate Rafael. I'm not sure why so many are smitten with him.

Rafael is only mildly interesting. They have made him too perfect and too much like the typical telenovela hunk to make him captivating. He and Jane are starting to bore me. Once upon a time, we are told, he was a married playboy who cheated on his wife and schemed in his business affairs. Couldn't he have a few flaws?

I hope that second chastity vow gets broken very quickly.

The Villanuevas are not Mexican but Venezuelan even though they mysteriously don't sound like Venezuelans.

This episode had good moments but underwhelmed me.Maybe I am less interested in the show because of all the focus on Jane and Rafael as a couple. I have to agree with others who see Rafael as a pretty statue with nice pecs. The character is very bland. Michael, on the other hand, is quirky, emotional, and funny.

My favorite characters on this show are Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rogelio, and Xo. The characters I have the least love for are the pushy Abuelita Alba and and the sex shunning Jane (even though I like them). Nothing bad better happen to sweet, adorable, and patient Michael. Rafael is ok but he is so much blander than

I enjoyed this episode but it didn't bliss me out like earlier episodes. I agree they burned through plot too quickly. It's hard for me to get invested in the business plots because they wiz by with not enough set up. Maybe I enjoyed earlier episodes more because I prefer Michael to Raf. Michael is more human, flawed,

I completely agree. Putting the word virgin in the title makes it sound like a sex comedy or an abstinence lecture. It doesn't begin to encompass what the show is about. It has been hard to convince friends and family that it is a sexy and smart show. Owens really did her gem of a creation an injustice by keeping the