Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I swear, Republican politicians are the most immature, baby-brained, morons possible. As a child I used to believe adults were intelligent, mature, rational people that knew better than me and kept society functioning. Now as an adult, I see we have a bunch of elementary schoolers with a massive superiority complex run

Rules for thee, not for me!

More GOP “Law and order for thee not me” bullshit.

I assume your shtick is received well on Twitter and that other MAGA media site. Now GTFO.

fuck off, chud

Jalopnik is rolling in that sweet USAID money and I just retired on the French Riviera with my Soros money. You have no idea how well we’re doing with our liberal piles of money, my god what a gravy train we have. Sucks to be you.

You might want to look into what USAID, you know, does.

Is that the line you’re going with? Elon Musk found the magic coffers that prop up sites like uhhh...Jalopnik? Because that’s pretty sad and pathetic, really sad and pathetic.

Oh, please do tell us how USAID is propping up Jalopnik, for fuck’s sake.

You continue to prove that you not only got beat with a Stupid Stick for most of your life, you also got beat with an entire forest of Stupid Sticks.

The world kind of makes sense if you think about it this way:

It’s true, I would never write about Menendez because I’m a partisan hack with no principles or morals just like you. Oh, wait:

Idiot bootlicking cunt.

Stupid, even for a deplorable on an anonymous website.

Party of Law, Order, and Hypocrisy. They are such digesting people and it is sad that this is not surprising in any way.

Fuck the GOP. Fuck trump. Fuck his supporters.

A Democratic former Senator, Bob Menendez, was just sentenced for more real corruption. This is little league stuff, and only made it on this site due to the party affiliation.”

Oh, please do tell us how USAID is propping up Jalopnik, for fuck’s sake.

The delusional weirdos this country is electing are more weird and delusional than ever. We can do better.