Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

If they haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not sure anything will convince them.

well, they ran out of Confederate generals to name shit after, so that was probably the next-best thing. Even though they would call Reagan a woke libtard at this point.

Naming an airport after the guy that fired 11,000 air traffic controllers is peak republican.

And ppl wonder why the aliens don’t show up on this planet... Or at least AVOID this planet... Wanna see a jackshow?  Look for a solar system with 9 planets and stop at the 3rd one from the main star... 

The pair of planes that will serve as the next Air Force One are more than $2 billion over budget and years behind schedule.

or maybe... DONT DO IT TWICE.

Im not sure whats worse, your take or the fact that FIVE people gave your comment a star.

I mean, I wouldn’t say you have to go that far and look at his thumb. Or nitpick this and nitpick that about his sig heil. Just look at his history. Lets judge him on what he’s been up to recently.

Just wiping your hand with normal skin oils will stain the stainless steel.

How do those jackboots taste, shithead?

Did an MAGA/Elon Stan just call other people “brainwashed?

Found the dumbass.

Be the change you want to see in the world <3

Deep down inside we all think like Elon which is why we purchase his products to support his and his quest to help humanity.”

1. I pulled up a block from ASUC. A female student walking by talking on the phone said that a Cybertruck just ruined her day loudly, obviously wanting me to hear it.

Musk is a fucking piece of nazi dog shit and so is anyone that drives one of these ridiculous shitcans.  FUCK YOU, deplorable morons.

So the difference between Elonistas, Elon, and Nazis is ... nothing.

I’ve been pointing and loudly laughing at every Cybertruck driver I see, whenever the situation allows. The usual reaction has been a look of confusion followed by a flash of realization and change in posture that looks like it’s probably sheepishness and embarrassment. It works best when there are several witnesses.

HAHAAH OMG PLEASE do this CT owners.