Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Tesla isn’t a car company, nor is it a tech company, nor is it an AI or Robotics company.

“Children should not be guilty of the sins of their parents, let alone their great-grandparents,”

In any other major automobile manufacturer Elon would have been immediately fired for all the customer alienation stuff he’s pulled.

1980 Triumph TR-7 convertible. Haven’t driven it currently cause it’s winter and...yeah. Also working from home means I don’t have to daily drive anything, as almost everything I need is within walking distance. But it is a fun car to run to the store or whatever.

1st gear: Of course Europe is getting angry. They’ve been here before, they’ve seen it before. The ‘that could never happen here’ is historical fact to them. We should take it as a warning.

Go fash, lose cash.

First Gear: Never forget that the asshole oligarchs can only exist because of the rest of us. We buy the shit they shovel, and there are plenty of other shit-purveyors to go around.

Any automaker looking to establish a foothold in the US market needs to take a D-Day approach. They need all the pieces in place before making landfall. You need at least a Sedan, a Crossover, and a Full-Size SUV. A smallish car would help as well. You’ll never make it with some pieces in place and a promise that the

If they released cars with a proper manual transmission, then I would buy one too. Instead, I am importing one from 15 years ago. Alfas should always have manuals.

Clearly that’s why people aren’t buying [any Stellantis Product] Alfa Romeos, not the complete absence of quality.

Ahh… the usual “my car is fine so statements of poor reliability is all bullshit” from overly sensitive Alfa owners.

Agreed. If the Giulia were as reliable as, say, a Korean car, I would likely have bought a Ti Sport myself. 

Personally, I think it is cool. Especially with what modern “architecture” is. Now cost and speed are preferenced, so we get a whole lot of the same thing over and over. I am also a big mid-century modern fan when it comes to houses though. 

Clearly that’s why people aren’t buying Alfa Romeos, not the complete absence of quality.

Practically, and better than a fingerprint, the touch would leave DNA. However, since cops often wear gloves specifically to avoid leaving either finger prints or DNA when planting false evidence, it is simply an old habit from when they used to use the 5 D-Cell flashlight to shatter the tail lamp lens as probable

And the fact that they started walking back those promises pretty much right after election day doesn’t seem to be bothering any of his idiotic base. They already walked back that they will make groceries cheaper. They have already come out and basically said their government austerity plans will probably hurt people,

Shorter: to be an asshole.

Is there really anything to figure out though? In many or even most things, it’s not the technology that’s the problem, it’s the money and the will.

The idea that he was trying to do anything was laughable. They just identify wedge issues and campaign on them. Then he signs a bunch of executive orders in the first week and spends the rest of the time watching TV, golfing, Tweeting, and insulting reporters.

100 years ago Drumpf would be trying to repeal the imaginary gasoline mandate, to ensure a future still full of horses and streets covered in horseshit.