Way to make yourself look like a fucking idiot.
Way to make yourself look like a fucking idiot.
The mere fact that he said “we’re thinking 25%” just shows he’s just throwing numbers out there. He has no idea. A serious person would have a hard number and a reason for the tariff they’re implementing in... hey, about two weeks!
I have felt my anxiety level rise dramatically since November 6th.
Found the Proud Boy.
Whoops, you accidentally agreed that Trump is going to kill people!
Maybe you should think more.
Don’t we import most of our oil from Canada? Seems antithetical to lowering gas prices.
And I appreciate the air-quotes on “objective” there because lately the Right thinks that means their lies need to be given equal time with the truth. And it’s not our fault Trump can’t open his mouth without lying.
you’re apparently a moron
No thats a trump policy.
The thing about price increases and corporations is that when prices go up, they rarely(if ever) go down. By the time ‘US manufacturing catches up’, us Americans are so used to the higher price that the corporations will just leave them high and continue to rake in profits. Tariffs are terrible for everyone except…
Get a load of this putz.
Same. Since November I’ve done everything I can to avoid watching the news as well as being more selective about what I read, simply for my own mental health.
Interesting that in no way did I mention death. But given that I mentioned them- meaning whoever trump appoints to do his bullshit- would come for your family first- then you I guess made the next logical conclusion: That trump is exactly what I suggested. Maybe you should think more.
The problem is, you’re forgetting about a lot of people who didn’t vote for Trump and also aren’t able to afford increases in living costs. I can afford it, I’ll be fine too. But I feel bad that many families could be “punished” for something they never wanted.
Glad you can absorb further increases in costs. Not all of us can. A decent amount of us non-supporters are going to be collateral damage.
The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored.
This is the first time I’ve woken up as an American and genuinely not felt safe. And to all the people who chose this? Fuck you and I hope they come for your family first.
Take Elmo’s ketamine away and he may stop hovering/levitating.
President Musk is a cunt.