Ahh, a person of culture.
Ahh, a person of culture.
I was gonna make a joke about that bumper-cabinet being where Matt Gaetz stores his “party favors,” but decided it was too on-the-nose.
My grandmother gave me her 2000 Special Edition Miata NB when she retired and quit driving. She wanted the 6 speed because the commute to her last job was all backcountry roads.
Make Soylent Green Great Again!
it begs the question who does Trump think will buy these more expensive electric models?
Texas in general is extremely hostile to the wellbeing of its citizens. I’m not surprised that the state that encourages bounty hunting abortion snitches also doesn’t care if people get ground into hamburger beneath malfunctioning robotaxis.
It’s just as as ugly as every other electric crossover, complete with completely generic interior featuring iPads glued to a blank horizontal bar. Remove the logos and you couldn’t tell who made it.
I’m sure Trumpster would oblige because he doesn’t give two runny McDonalds shits about divulging classified info, but hopefully some of these GOP ghouls still legitimately care about national security.
I can respect it for its performance when it released, but I’ve seen too many people acting like it’s the pinnacle of automotive achievement and no other car in history can be anything but second place. Newer cars can be faster, but in some way the F1 is always better balanced, more driver focused, the most complete…
They should give Muskrat his own special level of security clearance with very particular secrets. When Putin starts talking about America’s new Shiba-class spy satellites, we’ll know exactly how intimate Elmo gets with Daddy Vladdy on his ketamine-fueled phone calls.
The McLaren F1 is overrated and ugly.
That’s just standard Marge, unfortunately. Absolute whackjob.
I’m 6'3" and with a good slouch I can fit into my hardtopped NB.
Warframe is the only freemium game I’ve played where I didn’t feel totally ripped off being a non-paying player. There’s a staggering amount of content, it’s constantly being added to, and the devs are always trying new things and engaging with the community. And you can access all of it without paying a dime.
they finished the post by saying “this is still the most amazing truck I’ve ever had”
I dunno, some people can’t complete their daily 5 mile commute without GPS assistance.
“Syrupy glissando” is the Glup Shitto of Ferraris.