Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Sounds like a bog-standard crossover.  I fail to see how that will be novel.  Now, if Bentley were building a super-posh spiritual successor to the Scion xB, THAT would get my attention.

I’d love to time travel back a half century and show everyone how we went from “better dead than red” to “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat.” And how the GOP just parrots Russian talking points, the president worships autocrats, and how a potential cabinet member has secret conversations with a murderous

He should’ve already been held in contempt.  Showing up to vote in the car he was ordered to hand over was him deliberately thumbing his nose at the judge

2nd: A compact SUV optimised for city driving?  Bentley is building a fucking crossover.

Wow, that interior is straight garbage.  I see they went to the Tesla school of anti-design.

They SHOULD make it a black hole.

#1 will never happen. These people live in an alternate-reality media bubble. When Trumpster’s policies have cratered the economy, they’ll just blame it all on Haitian Jews working for Obama’s communist deep state.  Even if Faux News disappeared tomorrow, there’s still OANN and Twitter and a million RWNJ podcasts. 

The first Trumpster administration was a mess. People were still adjusting to the the orange loon, there was a lot of chaos and staff turnover, and there were still a bunch of Republicans who acted like adults and told him “no” when he had some crazy idea like nuking hurricanes.

Wow.  They managed to make the Cyberfail even uglier.

This project exists for one reason: to suck money and attention away from legitimate public transportation options. It’s a boondoggle. Muskrat has openly admitted this! Quit treating this abomination as anything more than an elaborate troll project.

In 2016 there were still adults in the room to talk him out of it. They’re all gone now. Anyone with a shred of decency or sanity has been forced out or has retired, and Trumpster will only pick the most craven and spineless sycophants for his second administration. He’s also noticeably more senile.  There’s no

We’ve got about 5 years left to make drastic changes before we cross the climate tipping points that separate “simply bad” from “catastrophic.” The US is not only one of the biggest contributors to global warming, but still sets an example too. Trumpster will pull us out of the Paris accords again, gut the EPA, repeal

Yeah, dying slowly from starvation and radiation poisoning is awful.

Trumpster might start WWIII with all those nukes he’s been itching to drop, you might not have to suffer the whole 4 years.  I live close enough to DC that I’ll go quickly in the first counterstrike.

Exhibit A for the motion to hold him in contempt.

Insects?  Pfft.  Gotta be a doggo.  The only city runabout I’d ride is a Corgi:

Here’s the Guardian article I pulled this from, forgot to add the URL:

We’re talking about canvassers that were flown or driven to Michigan from other states, and then abandoned there after they were unable to fulfill unrealistic work quotas.  Not having a driver’s licence would seriously impact their ability to get themselves home.

Workers recruited by Musk’s America Pac to canvass in the battleground state of Michigan only discovered they were working for the Space X and Tesla entrepreneur to drum up voter turnout for Trump after signing non-disclosure agreements, Wired reported.

“I knew nothing of the job, or much of the job description, other

It’s important to note that they weren’t told which candidate they were campaigning for until after they were hired.