I really hate that commercial where they’re in a morgue, looking at a transmission in a body bag.
I really hate that commercial where they’re in a morgue, looking at a transmission in a body bag.
Pennsylvania. I’ve never seen such a disaster of a road system. You want to stay on the highway you’re already on? Prepare to bounce between the far left and far right lanes as you navigate a whole series of interchanges that would give M.C. Escher a headache. Road signs are placed as late as possible to minimise your…
It’s the noveau-rich starter pack!
The Herb is just too cheap to hire an IT team. These sites have been slowly breaking down ever since he took over. A while back they instituted that stupid thing where if you scroll down, it loads into another article, and it’ll change the URL too. I think somehow the code got broken so that whenever there’s a Root…
It’s happened to me several times in the last week.
I’m still salty about Toys R Us. They took a stable, profitable store chain and purposefully ran it into the ground so they could sell it for parts.
There won’t be any polls to take people to. He was just telling his “beautiful Christians” that if he wins this election, he’ll fix it so they won’t ever have to vote again.
Which is terrible for the environment and the opposite direction we need to be going. Turning cars into 5000 pounds of rolling e-waste is one of the worst trends we could chase. Now more than ever we should be designing cars for longevity and ease of repair.
It’s literally a self-parking feature. The whole point is the automation. If you have to monitor it and command it when to stop, it’s really a remote control feature. Which would be fine if it was actually advertised as such.
when using the Summon feature, you’re supposed to stop it once the vehicle gets in the position you want
A name he can’t use everywhere because of concerns it can be mistaken for a porn site (which somehow has nothing to do with the actual porn on the site). What’s even dumber is that he’s throwing all his support to the political party that’s trying to ban porn!
But that doesn’t make it suck less! It’s still bad at being a sports car, it just has pop culture cred. That makes it overrated.
Has it been wrecked already or is the quality of that nose conversion just that bad? I’ve seen $500 Fieros with kit car bodies that look better than that.
He says dumb shit like this on a daily basis. Even if this particular comment was a joke, how would you even tell? And what difference would it make?
If Vance suggested bringing back slavery, these cretins would cheer “about time.”
Trump has a toddler’s understanding of the world, which is what happens when you’re raised in a gold tower and have enough money to buy your way out of any problem, whether it’s paying for a spot in the graduating class or buying a bone spur diagnosis to dodge the draft. Actions simply don’t have consequences in…
He had the daily security briefing reduced to a weekly picture-book. He didn’t absorb anything but McDonalds grease while in the Oval Office.
If Kotaku wasn’t a sad ghost town I’d go dig up the article about Musk’s shitty and amateurish Elden Ring build. Dude can’t even do “terminally online nerd” right.