Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Because they showed the concept first and showed there was real interest, but took so damn long to debut a half-assed product that their competitors were able to beat them to the punch. Tesla could’ve been first! The first mass-market electric pickup. Instead they were fourth, stumbling with every single step. People

“That vehicle was completely unmarked. In my mind this was not good, right?”

Tesla had a huge headstart on the giant electric pickup market and thoroughly squandered it. They could’ve been first, but instead Ford, Rivian, and GM all beat Tesla to market, and with superior products to boot. Headstarts aren’t permanent, and don’t mean much if you don’t continue to leverage them.

Sounds like every single Ford dealer, who all said “we can’t smell the burning axle grease.” Once the warranty expired we decided to fix it ourselves. Took the wheels off and the entire left third of the axle was black, just absolutely caked. Pure, lazy, intentional incompetence.

Pratt demolished the last of his goodwill alongside the Zimmerman house.

$1 billion in exchange for the future of humanity is a pitiful sum. That’s like selling your soul to the devil because you’re short a nickel for a parking meter. Absolutely insane.

There is no “long game” at Tesla anymore, just whatever insane thing pops into Muskrat’s brain while on his latest ketamine binge.  At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if his office had a secret room where he stockpiles piss jars.

BAT 7 was briefly used as a race car. There’s a lot of purpose-built racers I could list, but the BAT cars are so beyond the level of just about every other car on the planet, I had to pick it.

It’s too similar to The Search for Spock.  That’s all I can hear, in Generic Trailer Narrator Voice.

Are you my mom? Because that’s what she always says about her old Spitfire. She was an advanced driving instructor and got to drive Porsches and Ferraris all the time, but nothing beat her Triumph for fun because it was only thing you could push to the absolute limit.

GM didn’t just ignore Saab, though, they actively and consistently screwed them over. They kept giving Saab leftovers from other brands and telling them to do the most basic brand-engineering, and Saab’s engineers kept saying “this is crap, we’re gonna make it better.” The problem is that you can only polish a turd so

I legitimately have no idea what brand this car even is.

Lutz’s comment perfectly sums up the problem: GM had no idea what Saab stood for or what to do with it, so they mismanaged it to death over years.  2008 was just the final bullet to the head of the rotting, shambling corpse.

So it’s not about a watery tart distributing swords?  Pass.

Who else is going to give you rear wheel steering?

I so wish Koenigsegg had managed to resurrect Saab as their “basic” brand.

According to Elon, Tesla doesn’t make cars, they’re a robotics and AI company. He’s going to make Grok-Cabs that spout transphobia as they drive their customers under the sides of tractor trailers.

Next week’s top headline: “Shotwell shitcanned.”

I don’t think typical Bentley buyers care either, it’s all about the exclusivity.

Muskrat thinks he’s going Full Thanos by saying “fine, I’ll do it myself” about everything, but Musk is no Thanos.