Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

My taste in cars probably makes me a war criminal, then.

Aren’t all personality tests complete shit anyways? I remember when Myers-Briggs was all the rage and everyone was putting “INTJ” at the top of their tumblr profiles, and recently some psychologists said that test was about as useful as a horoscope.

I love that song.

Lucky. I didn’t even learn how to fill out a check.

All criticism aside, though, if this is the end, at least the contentious show managed to raise a proud middle finger to those incredibly angry folks with keyboards.

It’s insane how quickly we’ve gone from the GOP handwringing about “King Obama” to openly advocating for “Dictator on Day One Donald” to have total immunity to commit crimes while in office.

Normally I’d say a nice replica of a Shelby Daytona Coupe, but if price/availability are no object, then I’ll pick its weirder/rarer cousin, AC A98.

I love that Tesla has so many IT problems that an “account deactivated” message doesn’t even warrant a second thought. This is the company that Musk claims is more about software than it is about building cars.

I will never understand the deplorables’ obsession with the Kennedy family.

I’ve seen the reviews of her post-HP output.  You’re only hurting yourself, champ.

Garbage, judging from the fact I see Andrew Cuomo sitting at an achor desk in all their commercials.

That was my first thought.

How I miss cars that were designed by people with some damn sense.

Headlights are too damn bright!

What will actually happen is that the AI will automatically transcribe civilian voices as making threats in order to pre-emptively justify any violence the cops inflict later on in the video.

The same year that SpaceX releases a jetpack and the Supercharger network is powered by cold fusion reactors.

Despite the kinds of revenue cuts that would have most bosses fearing for their jobs, Tesla weirdly saw its share price surge following the investors call last night. That’s because. . .

The old pitch of owner-run robotaxis is back. The fleet will be managed by Tesla, but owners will be able to “rent out” their car, with controls over who gets to access it.

That’s right, that’s what conservatives do. They take terms from the left, co-opt and invert them into something negative, and then proceed to flog those dead horses into paste. They can’t win a debate on merit, so they resort to poisoning the terminology. And because these are intellectually bankrupt buffoons, they

My mother has a poster of Dean and Little Bastard in her sewing room.