Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Normally I’d say a nice replica of a Shelby Daytona Coupe, but if price/availability are no object, then I’ll pick its weirder/rarer cousin, AC A98.

I love that Tesla has so many IT problems that an “account deactivated” message doesn’t even warrant a second thought. This is the company that Musk claims is more about software than it is about building cars.

Looks like Tony Stark built a suit for Daft Punk.

That’s actually been a running theme the last few years.  A lot of alternate timelines, and there are ALWAYS Sentinels built to hunt mutants.

Yeah, I’ve never understood the logic of making your password something that can never be changed.

AI can’t replace artists when it comes to making quality art, but it can still cost people jobs. Someone like Zaslav, who couldn’t recognise good art if it punched him in his weirdly square teeth, would look at that first draft video above and say “good enough” and then fire the whole animation team because he thinks

I will never understand the deplorables’ obsession with the Kennedy family.

They weren’t canon to Lucas, but they were (for the most part) canon to each other, so there was a big shared universe of Star Wars content for people to enjoy. Some of the more popular/noteworthy books are still in print with a gold Legends banner on the cover, but because Disney wants all their output to be in the

Episode VII would not be Heir to the Empire.

Much like the pro-drowning-kittens side, there’s no need to waste time on the pro-internet-throttling side.  Just because a debate has two sides, doesn’t mean both are equally worthy of consideration.

I’ve seen the reviews of her post-HP output.  You’re only hurting yourself, champ.

Garbage, judging from the fact I see Andrew Cuomo sitting at an achor desk in all their commercials.

That was my first thought.

How I miss cars that were designed by people with some damn sense.

Headlights are too damn bright!

What will actually happen is that the AI will automatically transcribe civilian voices as making threats in order to pre-emptively justify any violence the cops inflict later on in the video.

The same year that SpaceX releases a jetpack and the Supercharger network is powered by cold fusion reactors.

Despite the kinds of revenue cuts that would have most bosses fearing for their jobs, Tesla weirdly saw its share price surge following the investors call last night. That’s because. . .

I hope this means disc drops will continue to be a thing. I need BoBF and Mando S3 and Shulkie.

Muskrat doesn’t actually care about any of that, though.  He just wants to post crap he thinks will appeal to teenage edgelords.  He made a mistake buying Twitter, because 4chan would’ve been a way better fit.