Despite the kinds of revenue cuts that would have most bosses fearing for their jobs, Tesla weirdly saw its share price surge following the investors call last night. That’s because. . .
Despite the kinds of revenue cuts that would have most bosses fearing for their jobs, Tesla weirdly saw its share price surge following the investors call last night. That’s because. . .
The old pitch of owner-run robotaxis is back. The fleet will be managed by Tesla, but owners will be able to “rent out” their car, with controls over who gets to access it.
That’s right, that’s what conservatives do. They take terms from the left, co-opt and invert them into something negative, and then proceed to flog those dead horses into paste. They can’t win a debate on merit, so they resort to poisoning the terminology. And because these are intellectually bankrupt buffoons, they…
My mother has a poster of Dean and Little Bastard in her sewing room.
Every time I think the Cyberfail’s design couldn’t be more moronic, some new example of asshattery in engineering is revealed. I know Tesla hires a bunch of kids fresh out of school, but are they hiring the ones that flunked out freshman year?
A new generation Model S would’ve been better than the Cyberfail.
The last few years have shown robotaxis to be an absolute boondoggle that no reasonable person wants. Uber built their whole business model around one day replacing their underpaid drivers with a fleet of autonomous vehicles, but the robo-revolution still isn’t here. Interesting that Muskrat chooses now to jump into…
The stock market is magical spinning bullshit.
Was he though? I thought he was a buffoon from the start. His screaming speech on Starkiller Base right before it wiped out the entire Hosnian system was fanatical and unhinged, more like a cultist than a high-ranking military officer. He hated and looked down on Ren but was too scared to ever stand up to him when…
Oh god, what city was it, the cops got all butthurt about something and decided to collectively sit on their hands in order to “prove a point”? When the city didn’t devolve into a free-for-all dystopia, they all quickly got their asses back to work because they realised they’d just proved the defund crowd right.
These shithead deplorables are everywhere. They might not get as far in the courts in that area, but some pig could still scare the shit out of some poor people that just dealt with a very sensitive healthcare need.
Is it actually “shock talk,” or are they hoping to catch someone who had an abortion? I’m remembering that case where a woman helped her daughter self-manage an abortion at home, and they didn’t know what to do with the remains, so they drove out to a field and buried them. The home abortion wasn’t illegal, so the…
Y’know what the last thing I read about his Jesus film said?
It’s a stainless steel vampire.
Everyone is rightfully mocking this heap for being too delicate to go through a car wash in the daytime, but I would like to once again point out the absolute idiocy of having every single control routed through a single, apparently extremely shitty, touchscreen. Not only can’t you drive it, but when someone asks…
He also said that if protestors are blocking bridges, you should throw them over the sides into the river below. I shouldn’t have to point this out, but for many bridges, that’s a great way to kill people. You hit the water wrong, or too fast, it’s like hitting concrete. Or maybe it’s shallow, or full of unseen…
I loved this thing as a kid, had a Hot Wheels version and everything.
Where is that header pic from? Is Schneider actively trying to become a new “hipster douchebag” meme?