Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Picardo playing a guy named Woolsey!

Yeah, I miss the days when people just said “this report is inaccurate” without the Trumpian addendums of “your paper is failing and your writers are lying hacks.” It’s so juvenile.  Musk sounds like a kid who screams “your face is stupid and smells like butts!” every time he doesn’t get his way.

He might get some takers if Tesla assumes all legal liability for crashes involving the FSD software.

Only 1 mile before the steer-by-wire failed.  Truly astounding shit.

At least with a Bethesda game you can head to NexusMods and get community-made patches/bugfixes/QoL improvements.

They’ll also shoot your dog.

It’s just shocking how completely the lesson of “never again” has been forgotten. Apparently that was just a marketing slogan for the museum exhibits, and not anything that anybody actually believes.

Or, much more likely, people will just keep using it without security updates.

I’m not sure what’s worse, this, or the snipers targeting children.

It’s like they watched The Winter Soldier and thought “yes, Insight Helicarriers are exactly what we need.”

He doesn’t just lick the boot, he sloppily deepthroats it.

Isn’t the spore drive just temporarily destroyed? It’s not like the blueprints were erased. The only reason the technology isn’t widespread is because of the unique piloting requirements. Stamets illegally spliced tardigrade DNA into his genome, and I don’t think the Federation has ever relaxed its ban on genetic

Election denialism is now a part of the employment criteria at the RNC, so I’m gonna say the crazies are steering the ship now. The old school Republicans, AKA run-of-the-mill dirtbags who merely exploited the crazies, have either A: been run out/forced to retire, or B: pivoted to embracing the crazies.

They know if they explicitly say the word “chemtrails” in the bill they’ll get laughed out of the room, so they list a bunch of other similar but real things that sound like mad science to uninformed rubes and then word it broadly enough so that chemtrails are still covered by the ban. Don’t forget that Republicans

I passed on the TV show Shulkie but I might get this one.

I wonder how long it’ll be before Muskrat sues “woke Caliber” for intentionally trying to tank Tesla sales, or something.

She needs a character that complements her acting skills, i.e. a complete inability to express emotion. I think Destiny would work.

Eccleston has a bad time in all his roles.  Not sure why that guy is even still an actor.  The only role I’ve ever heard him speak positively about was the furniture-making gangster from the Gone in 60 Seconds remake.

Everyone involved here is a cancer upon society.

“Fire grenades” were abandoned a century ago.