Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

There’s not too much traffic where I live now, but it’s the least inhabited corner of the county, so most days there’s trainers overhead. There’s been a few times they were practicing stalls and almost hit the ground. I’m still close enough to DC that I’ve seen Marine One a few times.

The Kaiser Darrin looks like it just ate something really sour.

It’s like Trump still whining about Hillary and her emails.  These people just hold grudges forever.

Same cretins who are harassing the woman who played MJ in the Spidey games for being “ugly.” They bitch about all kinds of diversity, but are also repulsed by conventionally attractive white women. I really don’t understand what they actually want.

I checked out shortly after they switched to Reach.  By that point they were using so many custom animations that it didn’t feel like true machinima anymore.

Hopefully their Darrin is less of an unreasonable ass.

I used to live under the approach to Dulles. I remember some people moved in nearby and tried to have the entire airport shut down. Imagine having the arrogance to think you can just shut down a major international airport that was there for decades before you. Planes were coming in so often I don’t think you could

Anyone else think the bike looks too clean?  I know there was a lot of chrome/polished metal in Fury Road, but this looks more like an OCC build than something cobbled together in the apocalypse.

Florida is working very hard to bring measles back. Their department of health is run by anti-medicine quacks now.

On the other hand, the deal was backed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Chairman Jeffery Hildebrand, who publicly declared that he was committed to seeing it through it during a meeting on January 24. “I am committed to moving this process forward and completing the transaction,” Hilderbrand, the founder of Hilcorp

It’s not the thing itself that matters.  Perversely it’s even better that it’s so stupid.  It’s like the time Cleopatra was at a party and plucking pearls out of her necklace and dissolving them in glasses of wine.  The whole point is that you’re so rich you can just throw wealth away so casually.

“There’s too much division” says the guy who wants to restrict the definition of “family.”

Musk has his own special anti-woke chatbot now, and he wants his $44 million back so he can reinvest it in Grok.  He also wants all of GPT-4's code to be open source so he doesn’t have to pay his programmers to do a bunch of work.

Only 15 minutes?  I would’ve cut an hour, at least.

I saw 2049 in theatres and it’s the only time I ever seriously considered walking out early.  What an absolute drag.

Do these people not understand how fire spreads?  Even if the Jewish space lasers were real, and there’s some operator choosing ignition points by looking at satellite pictures, they’re not going to fire the laser at every single house in a neighbourhood and then just spare one because the roof is a different colour.

It’s for people who have more money than sense and want to show it off.

JFC. For $30 million, I’d want a completely bespoke car, designed by the best team on Earth, using materials and methods most builders could only dream about.

They don’t actually care about “abortions” or the “sanctity of life.” It’s entirely about denying any kind of choice regarding sex/reproduction, especially for women. These wackos just effectively outlawed IVF in Alabama, and they’re gearing up to attack contraception in general.

It’s Tron-in’ time? Ugh.