Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The only Kanye song I’ve liked (or even listened to) is “Power,” and I’m not sure how much is that me genuinely liking the song itself, or because it reminds me of the best mission in Saint’s Row 3, where you skydive into a penthouse pool party at night.

Pretty sure I’ve seen art of Aerith with cow ears.

A “coontract” sounds like something Eric Cartman would come up with.

I’m not sure I would’ve noticed the VA changes if I wasn’t already aware of them and listening for it. Rick’s & Morty’s really excited/upset voices aren’t quite as manic or shrill, but for everything else, I can’t tell the difference.

0-60 under 1 second on normal-sized tires? Isn’t that impossible? I thought there were some laws of physics that couldn’t be broken regarding rubber stickiness and contact patch size.

I think I remember a story about open-cockpit racers in the 1910s where a bunch of cars rolled over and killed their drivers, but one guy got thrown out and survived. That’s probably where it started, and in that context makes a bit of sense. Those cars were absolute deathtraps.

Doesn’t this guy have a kid of his own?  Or does Bobo have more than one failson.  All I remember is that “becoming a grandparent in your 30s” is a family tradition for these losers.

I’m trying to use the pictures alone to figure out which one is the methhead, and the only conclusion I can draw is “yes.”

GMC trucks were stamped out of thicker steel than Chevy trucks.

It’s a couple of no-life trolls with multiple burners.

There is no “middle ground” with regards to issues like human rights. Either you believe that everone deserves to be treated equally and with respect, or you don’t. There’s no compromise where you say “oh, give this minority group 3/5ths of their rights.” That’s not equality.

Oh god, no, I’d rather they remake the first 7 books than try to adapt Cursed Child.


They used to just simply link to the other article when crossposting something. I don’t understand this new thing of copy/pasting it into a “new” article.

An empty rocket launcher is usually a big nothingburger, but the training model can be reloaded. How quickly you can do that, or if it can use live ammo, I’m not sure. I suppose the guy could run around firing dummy rounds at people; I imagine a direct hit could maim/kill with blunt force trauma.

the defense argued that “they are trying to blame it all on Hannah” because “she is an easy target” and was the “least powerful person on that set.”


We won’t know for sure until he names his next kid Dittmann Musk.

It’s worse than that, because they never told any of the bidders what figure they actually wanted, or that it was “one bid only, no counteroffers.” IIRC, they wanted $90 million, and one of the offers was $80 million. They could’ve easily negotiated that over the finish line, but they never intended to actually let

Funny you mention The Rock, this gem of his acting career was playing just last night: