Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Is this what they mean by making America great again? Returning to the golden age of “indecent things” being illegal?

Starting a game company and then waiting 14 years to publish anything solely so you can make a Nazi-themed easter egg?  With a big enough whiteboard and ball of string, you can make anything a conspiracy, I guess.

Sony did Dark Phoenix twice. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the MCU also rushed into the Phoenix Force.

The first real example of Scientology I read about was Cruise’s “the cookie stuff” incident. Relatively harmless, but so damn wacky that it lead to me reading more about Scientology, most of which is absolutely horrifying.

Hold up, does Dracula drive a Triumph Stag in this movie?

When Siri meets the kind of tech that powers ChatGPT, you’ll be able to interact with a computer the same way you talk to other people, which is a lot closer to how your brain works.

I’m guessing because The Dunwich Horror is about human-monster hybrids, which intersects nicely with Arthur constantly being derisively referred to as “half-breed.”

This movie keeps giving me Killjoys vibes. When do the Scarbacks show up to help fight the green goo?

Pigeons are like flying rats, and should be treated as such.  They’re sky-vermin.  That taxi driver was doing the city a favour.

Ripping off ancient Rome’s sense of style is like fascism 101.

I’m not sure how you can wave away Star Wars comparisons when it was literally written to be an official Star Wars movie.

It was a new job in an industry she wanted to work in.  She was scared if she fought him too hard she’d get blackballed.

Yes, electric cars being a great example.  But the fundamental problem with a vacuum train is keeping everything sealed, and we haven’t had any great leaps in that sector.  Especially for something as high-wear as subway doors.  Until we create atmospheric force fields like Star Wars/Star Trek have, I don’t see that

80% of the “dancing” done at my Catholic high school was grinding. About 19% was traditional slow dancing done poorly (I always took my shoes off because I constantly stepped on everyone’s feet), and 1% was the macarina (God I hated that song).  This was the late aughts.  We certainly never learned any kind of dance

NDAs protect all kinds of things they shouldn’t, sometimes simply through a grey area. Things rarely go well for people reporting sexual assaults, especially against celebrities, so it’s not surprising she’d want to avoid the potential problems associated with violating an NDA, even if she’s technically in the right.

Yeah, I’m tired of people acting like this is a new idea. It was tried and abandoned over a century ago.

To head off the “why did she wait” morons: she had to sign an NDA just to take the job, and a recent rule change in CA now excludes sexual assault from NDA coverage.

I’m more disturbed by the “extended attempt” part.  Is this a “couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn” thing where the Dollar Store Stormtroopers can’t aim for shit, so they’re falling down all over the place and just humping random objects?

Austin Powers already did the dick and balls rocket, so I guess all that’s left is to combine them and create a futa ship.

I can’t wait for the South Park episode where they skewer this tax-clown. They don’t even need to make an animated version, just use a picture of his actual face.