Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Just let Elsa have a girlfriend, please. Or not, that’s fine too, just no more of this “Elsa hears a siren call but it’s just an echo of her own power” or whatever the hell was going on in the second movie.  Felt like they were setting up a magical love interest, just to chicken out at the 11th hour.

He’s showing the same kind of respect that Preston Brooks showed to Charles Sumner.

This clown probably read about the caning of Charles Sumner and thought “damn, I wish coulda been there and gotten a piece of that action.”

Side note: I miss a lot of the clever packaging like the Bionicle canisters, and the Star Wars microscale ships in the planet shells.

It got consistently high scores from test audiences, so I find that scenario unlikely.

There’s a wide spectrum of depression before you get to the level of suicidal.  All this rule does is ensure that pilots avoid treatment until they reach some kind of catastrophic breaking point.  It’s the opposite of helpful, to anybody.

And dealers wonder why everyone hates them.

I thought Musky was a work-in-office fanatic?  He should be easy to find in his Chief Twit Office.

Somebody forgot to make the codes single-use.  What a rookie mistake.

That’s actually a very varied and cool collection. A lot of these guys just buy one of every Lambo/Ferrari/Rolls currently in dealerships, or 20 slight variations of their favourite muscle car. This collection has everything from microcars to buses, and weird stuff (like that Devin) that you don’t just randomly buy

I’m surprised that the entirety of Warner Bros. hasn’t been shut down for a tax write-off.

It still boggles my mind that they crippled the customisation with this “cores” nonsense.

This will probably be used primarily by Pottheads who are ashamed they bought Hogwarts Legacy.

A while back they removed some cross-dressing NPCs from the outside of a club because the “joke” was “look at these people, they’re freaks.”  I think there’s plenty of things left for R* to satirize without resorting to the very lazy route of making LGBTQ identities into punchlines.

But that’s literally what the article is about: a person with tons of experience looking at prototypes of every level and saying “this thing is atrocious by any standard, but doubly so for something so close to production, and even worse that they’re proudly showing it off to the public.”

I’m all for more buttons, but the better solution for this problem is to abolish the dumbass time change altogether.

Oh, the huge manatee!

So how long until Muskrat blames the ADL again?

I’m just laughing at the article’s assumption that everyone has a trash person.