Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

We’re not surprised, just disappointed. We knew this would happen the moment Microsoft bought Bethesda.  They tried to claim they wouldn’t do this, but we all knew.

I wonder if the Saudis give him quotas.

In its lawsuit, SpaceX argues that the administrative law judge assigned to the federal government’s case is “unconstitutionally insulated from Presidential authority,”

I was screaming with joy at the nuclear reactor episode when Robert Picardo showed up playing a guy named Woolsey.  Callback to a different show, but appreciated just as much.

I had a fishing tackle box full of these. My favourites were the ones that came with bonus mini Micro Machines. They were the size of a Benadryl pill.

I’m sure DeSantis will find a way, since he’s actively recruiting fuck-ups who were fired in other states.

I’m not sure what’s more frightening, the character design, or the artist’s understanding of anatomy.

It’s a great idea until insurance companies raise their rates so much that regular people can’t afford to buy a new car ever again.

I could see that in relation to healthcare or taxes or defence spending, but I don’t see how anyone could seperate politics in this situation. Boobert has made it a core part of her political career to attack people like Gallagher as “groomers” and try to make it illegal for his bar’s patrons to even exist at all.

Her boy toy is allegedly a Democrat named Quinn Gallagher who runs a bar in Aspen that hosts LGBTQ events and drag shows. So. . . uh, not sure what’s going on there. Probably a lot of hatefucking.

You’re right, “shit-brained bigots” is a much more accurate term.

So he says.  Maybe his biographer misunderstood the situation, or maybe he’s trying to cover his ass after seeing how badly that excerpt was received.

Now playing

Hold up, I can finally work “she was gonna shake her ass on the hood of Whitesnake’s car” into a conversation? I’ve only had to wait 19 years!

I think Capaldi was a great Doctor, he just had a lot of very poorly written episodes.

Alfa Romeo’s B.A.T. trio. Everything else is fighting for second place.

Regarding that last point: I know worrying about things like “continuity” and “logic” are a fool’s errand in Doctor Who, but c’mon, they didn’t even handwave an absurd reset button of any kind.  Half the universe was completely obliterated by an antimatter wave, and they just. . . moved on like nothing happened. 

Yeah, Whittaker intentionally went for a costume that was A) rather androgynous, and B) easy to approximate with stuff you might find at a thrift store, because she wanted ANYONE to be able to easily cosplay as her Doctor.  It’s really weird to claim some kind of “cross-dressing outcry” about such a costume.  I also

Reminds me of that hunter that claimed to have killed a sasquatch, and was showing it off in his beer cooler. Wouldn’t let anybody get close enough to take a sample, but people still figured out pretty clearly it was a foldedup bear pelt or something like that.

It’s tacky and obnoxious and I hate it. Looks like a largemouth bass that swallowed some Christmas lights.

The Corvette is a poor design too. No car should trap you inside if the battery dies. Saying there’s a secret manual release you should know about if you memorised the owner’s manual is a bad backup, especially since most people will be stressed out over the dead battery and not thinking clearly. Doubly so if it’s a