Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Jezebel just did a story about Title IX offices that refuse to do anything to rapists/sexual assaulters because they don’t want to “ruin their bright future,” but don’t think twice about ruining the futures of any of the accusers.

David Zaslav is a hack.

Stargate cosplay, now there’s a man of culture.

Literally nothing. I won’t even consider owning a car that’s new enough for that to even be a possibility.

I want to know what kind of funny math they’re using that says trains derailing all the time is cheaper than just maintaining the damn tracks.

Musk being on the phone with Russian officials and then turning off Starlink at the exact perfect time to ruin a Ukrainian counteroffensive *IS* picking a side.

I’ve never even seen parking spaces that require you to park a certain direction. That sounds stupid to begin with. Most people are shit at backing, and backing out of a spot is easier than backing into it, so they mandated the wrong direction too.

The only “peace” Putin wants is the complete conquer of Ukraine, the destruction of its people and culture, and annexation of its land. Anybody who thinks any degree of compromise with those goals is acceptable is supporting war crimes.

Isaacson wrote in his book, which is set to be released by Simon and Schuster next week, that the day Musk disconnected the satellites, Ukraine was directing submarine drones to attack the Russian fleet off the coast of Crimea. But following Musk’s actions, the drones “lost connectivity and washed ashore

Maybe it’ll be the insurance companies that finally break the OEMs of their obsession with making cars as complex as possible and difficult to service anywhere but a dealer. When people can’t buy new cars because nobody but the 1% can afford coverage, they’ll have to make repairability a priority if they want to keep

$1500 for a fender bender?

When I hear Smith & Wesson, my first thought is revolvers. How do you have a high capacity revolver? Chain-drive!

I’m a third-generation Saab owner, I have LOTS of opinions about dead/zombie car companies.

It’s amazing how frequently my refusal to buy a new car is vindicated.

GM trying to sell us Saab lipstick on a Chevy pig.

Dead in spirit might be worse than dead in general, like seeing grandma’s corpse shambling around as a zombie.

The days of the uncompromising, ultralight track car are dead

“Nobody would’ve had a problem if we had just solved all the problems!” -every founder of a failed utopia.

I’m reminded of the curse that goes “may you live in interesting times.”