Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Doesn’t help that one of the last things 13 did was the Flux special, which for me is the worst thing in all of Nu Who.

Poor Chopper still hasn’t found a matching leg.

What exactly are you disagreeing about? The degree of rights LGBTQ+ people should have? Equality and human rights are pretty simple: you either have them or you don’t.  There’s no middle ground.  They don’t work if they only apply to certain groups or at certain times or in certain situations.


This is obviously the correct answer. But what’s the best villain car? I always between Black Tiger:

I remember getting the FAO Christmas catalog and seeing the Pikabug. Despite being just a littlekid at the time, I still thought to myself “What kind of rich person nonsense is this? Who is gonna order an entire custom themed car from a toy catalog?”

I only buy 1 or 2 games a year and usually play it off and on for years, so AssCreed games usually work out really well for me.  Especially since I enjoy the historical tourism as much as the stabbing.

Valhalla was missing from Steam for a while, but eventually showed up.  I bought it on sale with all DLC.

Anyone else see an Axiom that had a one night stand with a cheese grater?

It saves money upfront, but ask a DeLorean owner how they feel about it. Once you do any bodywork, it’s pretty much impossible to “blend.” If you see one polished like an Airstream or wearing paint, it was probably done to hide panel repair.

“Paranoid? Maybe. Possibly? Absolutely. My theory: the strike is intended to slow down/stop all forward movement for the Chosen series as well as the Resurrection movies,” wrote one Twitter user.

Muskrat is too much of a #disruptor (and cheapskate) to use paint.

Of the many things wrong with the Inhumans show, Mount’s Blackagar Boltagon was not one of them. I hope he gets to return to the role again someday, and as more than a cameo.

What exactly are they even mad about? That they don’t look like 7 slightly different garden gnomes?


I think it’ll be gone by the end of the year. Not because the userbase has dwindled to just 4chan dweebs, or because the few remaining advertisers have pulled out, but because Muskrat has decided to stop paying the last of his bills and the lights were switched off. He started off by firing most of the employees that

Tumblr died in 2018, it’s just taking a while for the corpse to stop twitching.

I’m only surpised it took this long. I never believed that a billionaire was actually homeless.

LOL, $5k e-bikes?  What a bunch of poors.  There are regular analog bikes for $5k, and even those aren’t the top tier.