Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The Guardian article paints quite the picture:

That car is a work of art.

Now playing

There’s a lot of ways to measure “best” here, but when talking about 8 cylinders, enthusiasts tend to toss practial concerns out the window and talk about the sounds and the way it shakes the ground while idling. So on that more emotional note, I pick the 427 side-oiler. Listen to that sweet, sweet music:

Bohrok! I never got into Bionicle, but I did like those guys. I had the white one and for a while I took it everywhere with me.

LOLWUT. Are we sure this isn’t a parody? I can’t take this seriously, it’s too ridiculous.

What I’m getting from this is that it’s really easy to start a sex cult and that some people are just waiting to join one.

There’s a brief shot in the trailer of this thing that looks like the Antikythera Mechanism. It’ll probably be some puzzle-key that opens the doors of Atlantis or something. I hope I’m wrong.

It pains me to see Treasure Planet on this list. Still one of my all-time favourite Disney movies.

I quite like the P72, but this one is just. . . overwrought.  Not everything looks good cranked to 11.  Too many vents, the scoops are too big, stuff like that.

Aside from the Sequel Trilogy itself, nobody seems to care that much about it. There’s been what, a few tie-in novels? All the media has been focused on bookending the OT and even revisiting the PT more, plus starting to ramp up the High Republic stuff.

I missed the QOTD, so I didn’t get to post about my Saab 900.  Glad one made the list anyways.

Oh man, a Shelby Daytona replica has been my dream car since I was 13.

What a beautiful bike.  Sounds like a death trap for anyone who isn’t a pro racer, though.

Too little, too late. Even if they started allowing porn again, it won’t bring back the blogs that were unceremoniously deleted or the artists that moved on to other sites.  Tumblr is still dead in my eyes.

Neutral: I’ve never driven one, and sightings are getting pretty rare, but nothing makes me smile like seeing a Bug.

That’s why we need liftbacks, too.

This kind of bullshit is why I’ll never own the Apple of cars.

The Phantom Corsair. It looks like a car that spends its nights murdering people. Even the name is spooky.

OMG, they got Winnie Harlow?  I’m sold.

That’s a nice selection of cars, but I especially love the Aston. The DP214 doesn’t get enough attention.