Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Gilbern put fire-breathing dragons on their cars.

That Packard limo is seriously cool, and a cheap way to have the rarest car at your local show, but I can see the rust holes from the thumbnail. I shudder to think what the underside looks like. Probably a Fred Flintstone special. I hope whoever buys it is a good welder.

Yeah, but what’s the ratio of cars to owners? If it’s the same group of rich douchebags buying cars over and over, they’re still pretty exclusive. I’m imagining a bunch of Sultan of Brunei types that buy a new car every 6 months just to have them delivered directly to a warehouse they’ll never leave.

Really? I guess I remembered it wrong.

1. Tim Allen is a major asshole.

Not a single green.  Pitiful.

Is the Bentayga really that popular that it needs “fighters”?

Yep. It sounds counterintuitive, but Ferrari doesn’t care how much money you wave around when you walk through the door as a new buyer.  You have to buy a few used cars to prove you’re worthy of being on the list for a new car.  And the more new cars you buy, the higher up the heirarchy you climb.  That’s how you get

What makes a Ferrari a Ferrari?  Exclusivity.  Rich people absolutely love that you can’t just go buy a new one, you have to buy several used ones to “earn” the right.

Y’know, it never occurred to me that any of the dinos at Jurassic World could be survivors of the original park.

Too bad it’s so ugly. And a slushbox.  Would not buy.

I don’t understand how Geico has any liability for a dude hiding his STD status and then having sex in a car.

It looks like a dude in a costume. I dunno if he’s a furry or doing some Marvel cosplay, but some type of raccoon suit would be my guess.

That’s metal as fuck.

Renovo Coupe.

You open up The Elder Chains Online and feel a rush of excitement. Your buddy from school has spent the last 2 years becoming a Master Blacksmith, and he has agreed to turn 10 obsidian ore into an Obsidian Battlestaff, a HUGE upgrade over the Mithril Mace you’ve been wielding for the last weeks.

I, for one, enjoy all this talk of nipples.

If Musky has lost interest in Twitter, he can simply pay the $1 billion backout fee. He can easily afford it and it’d be far simpler than playing all these games in a sad attempt to weasel out of the deal.

I didn’t find the ending that cringeworthy. They were conflicted, but all the adults decided not to let the dinos out. It was the little girl that hit the button at the last second, and everyone else looked at her like “what have you done.” That made sense to me, because she wasn’t mature enough to think about the

Why now, you ask? Because his bank account is looking pretty empty, and this is the best scheme he could come up with.