Seriously? How can you even dare to compare this to “Formation” which actually had a message? Sorry, but your taste is garbage.
Seriously? How can you even dare to compare this to “Formation” which actually had a message? Sorry, but your taste is garbage.
The only problem is that it isn’t “his” and I’m rather certain it isn’t “hair” 💁🏼♂️
Thank you for this. You handled another clueless, holier-than-thou internet banshee with far more grace and class than I could possibly muster right now. From the bottom of what is left of my shattered heart, thank you.
*Continues sobbing for sixth straight day*
The think pieces are maddening. This is an indictment on Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Immigrants, Women, Jews and LGBTQ people. This election was nothing more than white America saying, “I hope you enjoyed your hope and change while it lasted, we’re stealing this country back like we did from the Natives the first time…
and “law and order” (dogwhistle: Blacks) and “Making America Great Again” (dogwhistle: all of the above plus women, LGBTQ and anyone that isn’t a Cis, Herero, white, male.
THIS! In the words of HRC, I “deleted my account”. Not only was I tired of seeing the hate, bigotry, sexism and fake “news” that brought this nightmare to reality, I also realized that keeping a FB and Twitter was only supporting the toxic environment that allowed so many deplorable humans to elect this human…
Yet he still looks like my drunk, chainsmoking, permanent-tan Aunt.
But can we get the goofy piece of shit to disappear into the woods?
I cannot star this enough. Every single thing you said is spot on. I’m disgusted with this country. The fact that this bigoted, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, lying, cheating, stealing, hypocritical fuck job is even able to poll, let alone be in a dead heat with a more than competent opponent who’s biggest…
Thank you! It's sick that all of these young adults think that Bernie is the answer to their problems. Even if he did win (He can't) and even if he did try to do all the things he promises (He won't) he wouldn't get anywhere. The system is broken. Right now it is about the lesser of two evils (even though I like Hilz…
Oh my God! I saw your avi and had to reply. It's so cool\weird to see a fellow Wyomingite on Gawker! Do you still live there? Wherabouts are you from? I'm from Cheyenne. My apologies for being so lame/creepy/excited but I don't get out much!
Ugh, this brings back such awful memories. Was raised in the cult until I was 15, put on public reproof and never returned. My sister was disfellowshipped and never got over it. She died of an opiate overdose five months ago. FUCK JWs.
This made me literally lol. Not lol like, I'm saying this because it was kind of funny and I need to acknowledge it quickly, but actually produce a laugh/snort with air and my diaphragm/vocal cords. Brava!
I tend to agree with you. However, two hots can make a not. I’ve seen numerous genetically challenged couples create beautiful offspring so they could end up with the female human equivalent of Gollum. I hope I’m wrong and, in the interest of mitigating a potential internet jumping, I’ll throw out a preemptive “just…
Oh my God! I would pay him good money if he shaved that beautiful head of hair and threw some tracks on it for me.
Dafuq? Where do you find this shit, Randi! I don't know if I should laugh, cry, or piss myself.
I've always adored you but this cements it for me. This is pretty much the only channel I ever watch on the rare occasion I turn on the tube.