She's Not A Christiannnahhhhh!!!

I wish prayer did work, I would love to get rid of Trump right now.

Puritanical ideals mixed with religious intolerance equals the the reason people are complete asshats about teenage sexual education. It baffles me as well but it's a sad truth.

This was adorable. They didn't take themselves too seriously and it will get the message across to the intended audience of young, hip teens very well. The lyrics were executed flawlessly because I know who (77948) and what (nowuknow) to text from just one viewing. Bravo, kids!

This comment is exactly why you're my fave, Randilynbeginagain!

Lmao, that was good

Very valid point. I never thought of the fact that we pay big bucks to feel homeless. Wow, that's very deep and very sad.

How about We’re Too Worried About Not Successfully Extinguishing any Fires so Let’s Just Hang Some Cool Lights From the Structure Man?

Very valid point.

Awww, thank you Gargyle (sic!), Heathen! Your name is great too, very dark-sahded.

and, while they're at it, put some nice foam padding down so my back doesn't go out if I'm in sandals and don't have my orthods in. Oh my God, I'm so old.

This made me snort. Thank you, I needed a real belly laugh.

The Woodstock story is amazing! Yeah, Burning Man does nothing for me. At all.

I live in a very windy city (not “the” just “a” windy city) and I cannot imagine paying actual money to have dust pelted at you while listening to techno music. I don't get it.

Here we go spouting of facts and statistics. Dont you know that any asshat that subscribes to Wayons’ way of thinking makes sure to avoid factual evidence at all costs!

Don’t forget to not that they “ask for it” as well. We might as well just take it literally since it makes about as much sense as the rest of these ridiculous ideas. 2025 has truly been the year that I've become completely embarrassed to be both male and Caucasian.

Good to know because I am known to use caps (in what seems to be the acceptable way) on occasion. I just started commenting on Gawker sites a few months ago and had never commented on any other pages and it’s amazing how much I've learned (no shade, I'm totally serious). Thanks for the tip!

Ugh, commenter (you) not commenters. When will I learn to not comment with my phone?

You are SO RIGHT about crazies capitalizing random words in their rants (uh, oops). Oh well, one good thing came from the unhitched Guiliana fan, I found another cool Kinja commenters!

Even if she described you to a “T” (which wouldn’t be a bad thing as I grew up poor, white trailer trash and ended up pretty okay) it would stil be a better destiny than being some nutjob that felt the need to eviscerate perfect strangers for Guiliana fucking Ransick. Someone had a little too much XO, G wine from

That was way harsh, Tai. Seriously though, if you go this hard in the paint for Giuliana Ransick, I'd hate to see what you would do for a real celebrity. Take a Xanax and calm the fuck down, tiger tits.