The thing is, the value of each guy is undeniably tied to the win-loss record, so all but the top heels are paid fairly low in comparison to their counterpart babyfaces.
The thing is, the value of each guy is undeniably tied to the win-loss record, so all but the top heels are paid fairly low in comparison to their counterpart babyfaces.
The amount of energy lazy people are willing to expend to be lazy is sometimes amazing.
Can’t handle Georgia? They annihilated the Georgian Military in a 2 week offensive. What? Do you think you can just post non-sense and it will equal facts?
I'm more worried about the women who support Donald Trump and Ben Carson than I am about whether or not a woman votes for Bernie or Hillary.
It’s annoying how “cool girl” has sort of become the go-to label for any and every woman (especially if she’s under 30) who’s choices or image are anything certain feminists disagree with- even if the younger woman is a feminist herself.
There IS a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. I don’t translate that to voting for Hillary Clinton. Vote your conscience. But in other contexts, women who are misogynists or anti-feminists are awful.
Yeah, plus she was saying it on a misogynist dude’s show.
“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”
Factually correct is not nitpicking. But no go ahead, the GT40 was purely American and you also won WWII single-handed.
I dunno, man. Verbal diarrhea seems to work for Bernie Ecclestone.
I mean, I thought knowing this was integral to understanding Lady Eboshi’s character. All of the people that worked for her came from two groups: lepers, and former prostitutes. Essentially she employed outcasts that would normally have been shunned, making that aspect of her very humane and caring.
Ha! Your view is outnumbered!
Simple. We draw the line at not being a traitorous asshole. The Confederacy where traitors pure and simple. We don’t have any monuments in the US for Loyalists who supported the King during the revolution... why do we have them for traitors who turned their backs on the US and it’s constitution.
I'm completely familiar with states rights, both in terms of the genuine push and pull between federal and state authority, and as the codeword for slavery. The irony I'm pointing out is that people who were nominally in favor of states rights wanted federal action to ensure that new states didn't exercise those…
Sherman did. Unfortunately he wasn’t allowed to hang as many of the cowards as truly deserved it.
again, total bullshit. This is from Mississippi’s articles of secession. Are you honestly going to try and make the argument that the people werent fighting to keep “their way of life” which explicitly linked the slavery of black people to societies well being and success?
To the winners go the spoils. Down with all the confederacy bullshit, you guys lost, we rule you now.
I understand that the Confederacy denied States the right to ban slavery if they so chose.
“Why can’t we have all 3?”
Good thing most Americans are pretty fat.