The Silver Prince

You so like long posting long winded stupid posts that ignore reality. I am convinced you are an idiot as even whatculture is reporting that Reigns is not even a top 3 Merch.. He is behind Ambrose in Merch sales. L The other issue is he is completely disliked... You do realize that negative views create searches

So basically your argument boils down to Roman is good because his name is searched. Go put in Roman Reigns S- and Google will auto fill the word sucks. Searched terms doesn’t not mean likes so I can understand how people like you can conflate popularity for search results. Right now, you are proving why statistics is

Yep, and don’t forget that a heel no matter over he is will always make less than the Babyface. Heels have the weakest Merch sales, and their draw is tied to the face’s popularity. The only reason people want to see the heel is to see him lose unless you are like me and like the heels because they are fun. AJ Styles

So your argument is that you cannot find anything that backs you up at all. Vince talks about the company overall has no bearing on how wrestling is run. Not only that but you again cannot name how a wrestler becomes a draw. How does a wrestler gain his or her notoriety in the first place? You dodge this the entire

Big show a bigger draw than Jericho? My god you are an idiot. Big Show is a full timer.. Of course a guy who works a full year is going to make more money than a guy who does at most 2 months of work and then leaves. This year has been Jericho’s longest stint in the pass 7 years since he left for his Band. Also Scott

Ryback is not that good. The problem though is he has gotten over before and in his slot and who he is wrestling neither of those guys have a real high level career. However, as a big bruiser character to put people over and win non-important matches that was Rybacks worth. Remember they had him, big show, and Kane

Again you do not get it. Let me break it down for you. A wrestler cannot get over with a crowd unless they get a push. A person who is unknown to the crowd cannot become known to the crowd unless he or she were to wrestle in front of the crowd. Now if the wrestler in question is believed to be a good character to take

You still do not get it. One, the point of Roman Reigns disproves your point. A Champion who would not be a main eventer had he been a wrestler in the Monday night wars. Wrestler popularity is based on the stories they get put in and how the creative team pushes them. Zach Ryder for example was once white hot. He was

You are wrong. In order for wrestling to work it has to have wrestlers that are willing to put over other wrestlers. Period. Without it you don't have a show. The WWE however is an organization that stop being a wrestling company and is basically an entertainment company pretending to have wrestling shows. The current

Spouting history as if to prove a point without recognizing the reasons why women have less representation is what makes Andretti and everyone agreeing with him tools. The barrier to entry for racing is money. Pure and simple. How many race car drivers are poor before they got their break? Very little. So the pool of

It should be noted in the Cgi rendition that Project IG did shows Motoko to be rather Anglo in appearance and skin tone. Then again it has been stated over and over her prosthetic body is an international model and that her face is generic to the line up.

You are a liar. The US began arming Georgia and training back in 2002 and from that period on the Georgians were being advised and trained and given military aid by Germany, France, Israel, and the US. United States and Israel had military advisors attached to Georgian senior command officials.

You mean those simulations you want to discredit because you don't like the idea of losing a fight? Oh I am sorry it hurt your delicate feelings and offended you. Why don't you actually read the report or are you one of those idiots that believes you just get to make up what you want and decide it's real despite the

Really? What makes that a qualitified statement? The US, Israel, France, and Germany were all training and arming Georgia. The US started it in 2002. The Georgian Military had many Israeli military advisors and was getting weapons and tanks from the Israelis.

And? The US funds radical parties and interferes in the politics of other countries.The United States backed A neo-nazi party in Ukraine. Your point? So it’s okay if your country does it because you are “good guys”? The Germans under Nazi Rule thought they were good guys too until they lost a war.

If anyone is destabilizing the region it is the US and NATO. They are the ones looking to expand NATO into Eastern Europe and the former Soviet block. So far you aren't proving anything other than you are and idiot who is convinced that your ramblings make you look smart.

Nothing in that paper exonerates anything you said. It backs up my statements. The issue here is you are the type that wants to believe your nation is invincible and that your side is unstoppable. This is untrue. It pisses you off and you have to be disingenuous.

Can’t handle Georgia? They annihilated the Georgian Military in a 2 week offensive. What? Do you think you can just post non-sense and it will equal facts?

You just posted a bunch of nonsense as if your lack of facts were some profound great truth. Congrats on proving that you are an idiot. NATO by the way was only supposed to exist to defend Europe from the USSR. The Soviets are gone and the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union. So the idea of the Russians

I did read it, stop being disingenuous. The issue is the US is spread out too thin and the Russians can easily bulk up for a major offensive.