
The only reason?

They partly answered this in a DS9 episode where the patterns of 4 people required most of station memory and the holosweets memory to hold onto. The pattern buffer seems to be some sort of massive volitile storage system designed specifically to hold transporter patterns for short times.

I don’t think this is the hill you want to die on, man.

Everyone knows that game development changes. You try things. Things don’t work. Things break. The community more or less understands that.

For defending a game that is just now making good on multiplayer and still doesn’t have dynamic spaceship battles you sound a little smug. No I won’t forgive them either until they’ve released a fully realized game. 

Dragon Ball movies stopped having a plot a long time ago”

Sunday Comics is the precursor to the voight kampff test. If you say you like Life in Aggro, you’re a replicant.

While all the GamerGaters are shit heads, and people trying to sack individuals they don’t agree with is disgusting, Price is a total fucking asshole and has proved it multiple times in her social media feeds. ArenaNet did the right thing by letting her go. No one wants to employ a public facing person with zero self

Well, here’s her upstanding TotalBiscuit tweet:

Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

did you guys not even bother to read the initial tweet that he posted in response to her 29(!) long tweet string about her job? he said literally zero about anything at all having to do with her sex, he was merely disagreeing with her on her choices. it was HER that became hostile and made it all about being a female

oh boy, the cliche “kid” followed by condescending remarks from somebody oh so enlightened. when you use terms like “butthurt manfeels” to insult someone who was clearly being respectful to you, what the hell are you supposed to label it? insert implied eyerolls.

The important part is that social media provides an easy way to never engage with people you don’t want to engage with: just hit “mute” or “block.”

That’s a disgusting slap in the face to survivors of actual abuse.  Dealing with polite criticism in a public forum is not abuse, and it’s shameful that you would try to equate the two.

Polite criticism = abuse. With comments like yours the GG crowd gets all the fuel they need to keep that fire burning. Price handled this situation terribly. It’s her own fault she lost her job.

This. Fries comment was also idiotic. The moment Price posted ANYTHING to social media she most certainly DID ask for feedback.

If she doesn’t want people replying to what she posts, she can start a blog and turn the comments off. That’s not what Twitter is and acting like someone replying to your tweet with extremely polite disagreement is some grand act of sexism is idiotic.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

She was already on warning after she celebrated Total biscut dying of cancer.

She was already on WARNING for her vile Comments Celebrating Total Biscuits death.