
newly resurrected Jean Grey”

It needs more nitty gritty features though, like I’m pretty sure I’ve had to tell Kotaku’s own Luke Plunkett that the takedowns where you hang on a ledge below a guy and then yank him over the edge to kill him were added in ACII not Brotherhood. Nevermind the stuff you probably don’t even remember being in any of the


I tried watching the Pilot of Final Space, but the show just seemed to think that the louder you say a joke the funnier it is. That and the story in a story framing device just made everything confusing. That and the fact that I just found the protagonist annoying.

THAT’S uncluttered and straight-forward? It doesn’t even follow traditional comics reading format. Yuck.

She admitted to cheating in her post...

that’s the world we apparently live in now, no one can handle anything privately. we have to drag every possible piece of bad behavior out for the world to see in order to entirely ruin someone forever. in most cases it’s justified, but in some of them it seems like little more than petty vengeance.

Careful, they’ll delete your post if you don’t say he’s a rapist. That’s how these sites work now.

I feel extremely uncomfortable with public post mortems on intimate things like this.

You don’t sound that wary.

I remember playing this back in the day. I wish its as good.

This was my favourite, it highlights that this isn’t the first time this has happened!

It’s weird seeing people so excited for this game when it’s basically a prettier looking J-Stars (which was bad!) Maybe it’s because that game wasn’t really marketed over here?

According to the Bumblebee trailer...they get folded up like the toys.

The Japanese soldiers used to hold contests to see who could behead the most prisoners of war in WW2. Civilians were often tied up and used as bayonet practice, buried alive, or beheaded for fun. Thousands of women were used as sexual slaves, babies were beaten against rocks until their heads shattered. It was a

The whole context about that war and how it colors relationship between Japan and China makes this really problematic.

Thanks, my night is alright, although it’s a little slow. This was a good response, because it illustrates how you can use a long paragraph to make it seem like you’re making a legitimate point, while really, the point you’re hamfistedly attempting to make is that the statistical majority of human beings actually DO

The context is that Kotaku reports on cosplay, understands that the cosplay community has a female skew, understands its website has a male skew, and then uses that information with the intent to use women as an object for revenue generation. That is the sole business intent of any article published here, and if the

Women in videogames are characters in a videogame, and thus come with no expectation of agency whatsoever, unless you’re implying that the singularity has arrived.

If your argument is equity, I can all but guarantee that the ratio of female to male cosplayers featured on Kotaku is greater than one.

And that is because

Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?