Garden Variety Hail Stone

Let me save you some money:

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He’s the guy in the video who can’t stand respectfully for 1 minute during the anthem...on Memorial Day no less.

provide evidence-based classes, results-driven coaching

The internet to Kevin Hart:

But that is a list of people/programs that do not have anything in common! What criteria could our President be using to determine who is racist? It is a mystery.

Or prisons

Amazon wearhouses until they automate those.

Kind of like female genital mutilation:

There’s just no part of that scenario that sounds ok. I know this is a controversial opinion, but I’ll say it: jail sounds bad. I’ll keep trying not to go, and hope you can succeed at not going again.

I have a recurring nightmare about jail because of this exact scenario. I’ve never been, but seeing the toilet setup caused me enough existential dread that I have become law abiding in order to never have to wipe in front of anyone else.

Yes yes and yes.

Also, courtesy flush. There’s no reason to let your poop linger in the bowl, stinking up the joint. Flush as soon as you poo, people!

This is ESPECIALLY delightful after her instagram rant where she bragged about how they didn’t take a government plane on their honeymoon. No, tumbleweed, but you asked to. Shuddup.

The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.

They probably can’t fire him because he was elected. As for the rest, it’s crazy that such a brutal attack would be pleaded down to a misdemeanor. Something was definitely rotten there.

So many questions.

Meanwhile low level government workers literally have to turn in holiday candy given to them by vendors.