Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

way, way, better than Bond.

Two thoughts:

Yes! I have wanted this for years and years.

Because every time there has been something along these lines, there’s an uproar and you wait and see if the producers learn anything and change course. Now the problem with television is that you won’t find out in subsequent episodes whether anything in the internal culture of the decision making has altered, because

I had the very same reaction. Quit watching last week, then wondered if anything had improved. No? Ok, then. I (finally) made the right call on this.

My favorite doctor ever, since I've had a crush on him since Local Hero.

Yes, indeed!

(I would like a re-do on my 20s please. I cringe when I recall how much I put up with.)

I don't get this reaction at all.

Now that I am an attractive 51-year-old woman and not an attractive 14-year-old, attractive 24-year-old, attractive 34-year-old, hell I was even still pretty youthful and conventionally attractive at 44:

I don't understand this outfit at all. He looks like a gas station attendant out of The Truman Show or a Disney World employee from the Grand Prix race car ride.

I think this is excellent, actually. The more these zealots antagonize and alienate the general population, the better.

The kid on the right looks like Christopher Masterson, who played Francis on Malcolm in the Middle.

It's what I think of, every time I see the name of this show.

I wish I had the power to ungrey this comment. It's really the perfect response to this.

Yep. Sounds a lot like humblebragging.

I wore towering heels for years to achieve a rangy look. Now that I have a job where I'm on the go constantly, it's low heels for me. Unless I've got a meeting. Then it's towering heels again.

I disagree.

I've actually tried to get him interested in other projects, away from our org. No dice, but I figured it was worth a shot. And thanks - I'm not familiar with "The Gift of Fear." I'll google it.

Well, I think our board president plans on reaching out to him next week, to see if he wants to continue on the board. I'm confident he'll refuse to go. Then we always have the option of ensuring he doesn't get the votes to remain on the board when elections roll around next summer. He seems to have a real martyr