Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

Plenty of restaurants are in tiny old spaces, with bathrooms that would never pass modern codes if designed and built today, but are grandfathered in. We went to our local pizza place last Friday and the bathroom is literally the size of a tiny closet.

It's always Florida. Except when it's not. Which, weirdly, is quite often.

I'm guessing these are the same kind of people who would abandon an elderly dog at a shelter, then reject her after she walked 30 miles on bad legs to find them.

Your last line actually made me laugh IRL.

Agree 100% and I'm still not sure which is worse: unruly, terrible passengers or rude, imperious asshole TSA agents. Jesus.

Pam Halpert, is that you?

I mean in general. Most of my reading involves placemaking, community building, etc. So while I read a lot, I don't picture a Gawker site ever covering that interest - too narrow.

I never, ever click on the celebrity articles.

I work for a nonprofit. The fact that they don't tell you where the money is going tells you that it isn't going to Make-A-Wish. Because that would make their fundraising job easier, not harder.

Whew. Thank goodness I read the responses on both of those links. I was afraid they wouldn't be filled with men, agreeing with the odious Dawkins and, of course, each other, but they were! Bro-tastic asshole, loudly supported by scores of bro-tastic assholes.

Yes, the words "Hefty trash bag" came instantly to mind when I saw the dress. Terrible.

Not just you. I also did the, "A coffee cup that gets a B is higher than a D, so the smaller coffee cup is better? And what do penises have to do with this?"

There's a very wide range of "normal" when it comes to childhood development. I can't recall offhand what the average potty-trained age is for boys, but it's certainly normal.

Best thing I've read all day! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

Yes, you will. And someone will complain about some "old" thing you do.

posting the global police blotter and then mixing in celebrity gossip and then some LGBT happenings is doing nothing for anyone

There are more registered Democrats in Florida than Republicans and more Democrats voted in the last presidential election, GOP gerrymandering notwithstanding. Further, Democrats cluster in urban areas, therefore population density will be greater in Dade county than, say, Lake county. So the results make complete

Florida is just as fractured as the rest of the nation. Entire counties are either red or blue. Counties with cities? Blue. Rural counties? Red. And the panhandle? You might as well be in Alabama or Georgia - deep red.

Yeah, I don't get it. Why doesn't a Masters degree (and actual needs) allow you a gift registry to celebrate that accomplishment, but a wedding does? Where you may or may not actually need anything at that point? It makes no sense.