
So, are you telling us that you didn’t get paid more for doing your job? I’m flabbergasted.

Dismiss away motherfucker. All that proves is that you’re a coward and you’re 100% proving that you’re a stupid fuck.

No.  Stop it.  They are concentration camps, period.  People who want to argue this point are fucking stupid, bar none.  We have to fight back at these morons.

I’m not going to wish death on you for your bad comment like others have, but I will say this is a one hell of a shitty take.

congratulations, im actively wishing cancer on you and blood relatives so our gene pool can be cleansed.

That’s the most asinine thing I’ve heard today. Holocaust comparisons are NOT fucking off limits if we are to ever learn from that atrocity.

If you are racist, I don’t owe you a single moment of time nor do I care know a goddamn thing about you. You are trash and it’s upto you and only you to figure out what a goddamn subhuman you are.

What the hell is going on with your country?  

All I see on this thread is jealousy and poor people. You’re just a poor slob who can’t afford to go to a park which isn’t  exclusive or based off a lottery system like SDCC.

No it’s not. No President in past 100+ years has actively STATED that they only represent half the country and actively campaign on the promise to stifle/eliminate and call the other half of the country as “enemies”. Not political enemies, but actual enemies.

Have you thought, just for once, to just shut up - and actually do some good for once?  Just stop.  You are a walking travesty.

“Look at Canada and really really look at what Trudeau is up to”

Countdown till you realize what a goddamn moron you are.  Oh wait, there can’t be a countdown for something that will never happen.

There is no God. My father, same age as Dump, has gone through 3 strokes in the last 10 years; his only wish was to be able to retire and read books, which he cannot even do anymore. Life is essentially a meaningless drag for him each and every day. He is, irrefutably, a million times better person than Dump could

Newsflash: stop making racial slurs or racist comments.  It’s really not that difficult and it’s inexcusable, regardless of the age of the person.  And no, they don’t deserve second chances, period.  

I know why you’re doing this, but I’ll bite: why the FUCK are you getting paid to write this shit?

“It’s the way it is and will be. You can’t change it.”

No, you incompetent asshole - that’s not how governments work at all; in addition to probably being a fucking terrible business owner, you’re also lacking knowledge of civics. Goddamn travesty to watch you flail around like this.

“anyone with less than half a functioning brain.”