AOC shows at least twice a day that she knows more about how government works, and is supposed to work, than half or more of the idiots in it, all of whom have been in it for years longer than she has.
AOC shows at least twice a day that she knows more about how government works, and is supposed to work, than half or more of the idiots in it, all of whom have been in it for years longer than she has.
You can’t have it both ways. If companies get corporate welfare, then they should be subject to more oversight. If you want pure capitalism, then DO SO. What you have right now is an egregious abuse of the system by major companies.
It’s not that hard sparky, try and keep up.
Yet again sparky, you’re missing the goddamn point. It’s not a crusade, just plain truth. Not all people are lazy - the fact that these 2 companies are still supported so much shows just what worthless piles of crap most people actually are.
No, most people are just too stupid/lazy to care, are just complete uninformed or are just straight out fucking pricks. That doesn’t make them good or right.
Maybe. We can boycott them, that’s our right.
No, that’s not how any of this works, you goddamn bigoted subhuman piece of crap.
I’m learning there is always going to be someone like you in the comments.
I figured it would be this one on the bill instead:
It’s Obama’s economic turnaround. It still is. It’s a turnaround jeopardized by the president picking fights with one of our largest trading partners.
I would be more concerned about whether Brazil continues having elections, and whether Bolsonaro would ever leave peacefully. I think there’s a >0% chance 2018 was the last presidential election they have in a while.
“writers” “brilliantly” and “Game of Thrones” do NOT belong together, no matter how much your blessed heart desires it to be.
It was review bombed, by both critics and “audience” members alike due to VALID fucking reasons from the lead actress, who happens to be pretty damn good.
“The movie was a below-par by-the-books addition to the MCU.”
Ugh stfu. Let people like things.
You’re really on brand there cool guy.
Keep pretending that sparky. All you’ve continued to do so far is dig a big fucking hole for yourself. Keep it up. =)
Cool. You clearly think they’re a waste of time and you don’t enjoy them. Good for you, you fucking troglodyte. There’s plenty of us who can enjoy superhero movies for what they are and still enjoy other types of movies too. You sound like a cranky old shitter, go back into your cave.
You’re like a fucking rollercoaster of ideas today, aren’t you?
Completely fucking disagreed. I didn’t care whether or not the creatures were real or not - it’s the tension in the scene was completely removed once you understood that it was a sham. The editing was bad and this was an overwhelmingly shared opinion among pretty much every critic and review when this movie came out. …