
What do you mean? This is entirely a google-built project.

They actually started a small trial around Palo Alto, in the Stanford student residencies.

Those blue/yellow striped cylinders were Cray supercomputers.... definitively different looking than today's boring racks...

I guess its 300 microseconds (or actually, 333 microseconds) and not nanoseconds...


Assembler coded demos!.... amazing graphics out of a 16MHz processor... :)

They do as apple SELLS in europe. In fact, the iPhone 4 and 4S comes with a micro-usb-to-30-pin dock adaptor in the box. The Adaptor is what allows them to be "legal" in europe.

or pretty much what the google maps app does in all the other platforms?

these setups have 0 cables outside the racks.. and even inside, they are a masterpiece of wire management

Someone (iconoclasttt) above explained it well after reading the full text of the court agreement. Those were the fees of a single expert and google's costs to respond to such expert.

WiFi is a shared access medium. The moment you're at an office and 10 users are sharing that wifi, your throughput goes to the flooe. Ethernet (current standards) are pretty much point-to-point and while you might experience congestion in the uplink of the switch, that uplink could easily be a 10Gbps port and provide

I guess you mean grammar.

Spanish??? That's russian!!...


No.. indeed its not. But when your employer will pay for the move but gives you no lump-sum cash option, that's how you end up with "foreign" ikea pieces ;)

Actually, almost EVERYTHING in my house is from Ikea and with a little creativity, you can disguise or tweak them more than well enough. Also, some of my furniture has been through its 5th move and still holds up amazingly well. And lastly, at least for me, I think its great I can buy this bookshelf in Belgium, a few

which got me thinking. -9.4dBA is A LOT LESS than 1% of the noise.. in fact.. not sure where that 99% comes from... its something like 99.9999% or so..

Funny that both London City airport (LCY) and Heathrow airport (LHR) are within the Forbidden zone... I seriously doubt they will be closing LHR during the olympics so I guess something is missing.

Those are the prices of Ikea Hong Kong, in HKD, not USD... in US$ its 59.99 - see here: []%C3%84GG%C3%85S

Thanks indeed!... it was a weird.. 35K gallons wouldnt be much in a tunnel..