
ICS indeed!! :)

Actually, an old mac icon was 16x16 pixels (as quoted) which means 256 bits and 32 bytes (not bits). Icons had a transparent bit as well, thus making them a total of 64 bytes.

Yeah! and the colors are also off and cheap-looking

This was actually available in chrome since the first days. You just had to make an "app" window out of gmail (I do that for my corporate gooogle hosted accounts). It would then take care of the mailto: links automatically. Just go to "wrench-> tools -> create application shortcuts" when in the gmail tab and it

Seriously? The "pulling crap out of your arse" might have been harsh, but this thread ([] ) correctly highlighted that there is NO ENCRYPTION going on here, just coding and decoding. Seriously don't think it disserved the ban-hammer... oh well.

Zoran used to make video compressors. I wouldnt be surprised if their doing a lot of their image capture/processing in that chip.

the new 200-400 has a built-in switchable 1.6x teleconverter. Look at the source pics ;)

the weight of 1 cm3 of water is 1g for all "approximation intents". That's what I love about the metric system.

Timbre is the spectral composition of the sound, or how many and how powerful the harmonics of the central note are. A square wave, a triangular and pretty much anything except a pure, un-distorted sine wave, will have harmonics. Harmonics are frequency components which are integer multiples of the base frequency (or

Or get a world data plan... pay 60 bucks a month for unlimitted worlwide data and tethering.... With ATT. But you have to be a corporate account to do so. But I regularly hit a few gigs a month while abroad and no extra charges ;)....

Hey Das, im pretty sure that broadcasting on the operator's assigned FCC spectrum IS very much ilegal, regardless of the power used. At work we HAVE to use RF tethered (through coax) phones for any kind of tests, as we cant broadcast on the public frequencies.

actually no. This uses triangulation and the phone's RF signal itself. Its pretty solid with 3 or more antennae.

Income tax is still high.. 30% or more depending on your income... (and then you also have -in some states- the state income tax on top of it)

E. O. Lawrence's (as in Lawrence Livermore Labs) ... or even more relevantly, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where the ALS is located. Livermore was an offspring of the Berkeley labs.

just one link to answer you...

I'd venture to say that there are few governments as interventionists as the belgian one. 7 parliaments for 10M people....

But it is.... right there !

quite a few airbus have several cameras (belly, pilot's view and a tail-mounted one as well as a landing-gear camera). They are available through the on-board entertainment system. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Now, most american carriers are too cheap to get these "options"...

The GPS signal is acutally encrypted quite well and very few manufacturers are allowed to make these chips and access the encrypted signal. Its not that you can just make your own GPS chip.

Interesting to see the cnbc data is so at ends with the IMF's data. UK, for example, is put at 80% of GDP.. In fact, only pretty much the US matches. Not sure where the CNBC data comes from.. but I somehow trust the IMF's a bit more.