
No app here... but if you fly enough (I do 50 to 70 segments a year)... you still have some chances. Twice I've "met" someone on-board leading to some sort of involvement, and at least two other times I've met some girl I'm still in touch with but didn't get involved with. One of those two times actually let to quite

nuclear magnetic resonance scanners are even crazier. Those have a few huge superconducting electromagnets in them (liquid helium cooled to boot!)

The ethernet "orientation sensing" is not a mac-only thing but actually baked into ethernet's auto-negotiation standard. It allows to map tx and rx in software. Since 1Gbps cards actually use all 4 pairs both for RX and TX simultaneously, they already have the transceivers in place, so doing the auto-sensing in

Actually, lichstenstein. Luxemburg is only "simply landlocked" and not double-landlocked ;)...

Most satellites have an RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator). Its nuclear in the sense it depends on atoms splitting.. but this is the NATURAL decay of a radioactive particle and is not a nuclear reaction. The decay produces heat (not a lot of it) which is then converted directly to electricity through a

really old phones (think car-phones) took the full-size "smart-card" ....

Not really... in this case, its the access medium itself that is congested. So no use of IPv6's QoS would help.

What do you mean? This is entirely a google-built project.

They actually started a small trial around Palo Alto, in the Stanford student residencies.

Those blue/yellow striped cylinders were Cray supercomputers.... definitively different looking than today's boring racks...

I guess its 300 microseconds (or actually, 333 microseconds) and not nanoseconds...


Assembler coded demos!.... amazing graphics out of a 16MHz processor... :)

They do as apple SELLS in europe. In fact, the iPhone 4 and 4S comes with a micro-usb-to-30-pin dock adaptor in the box. The Adaptor is what allows them to be "legal" in europe.

or pretty much what the google maps app does in all the other platforms?

these setups have 0 cables outside the racks.. and even inside, they are a masterpiece of wire management

Someone (iconoclasttt) above explained it well after reading the full text of the court agreement. Those were the fees of a single expert and google's costs to respond to such expert.

WiFi is a shared access medium. The moment you're at an office and 10 users are sharing that wifi, your throughput goes to the flooe. Ethernet (current standards) are pretty much point-to-point and while you might experience congestion in the uplink of the switch, that uplink could easily be a 10Gbps port and provide

I guess you mean grammar.

Spanish??? That's russian!!...