
Exactly... they used to own a little outfit called “Bell Labs” which had its hands on satellites, encryption technology and was so many other government programs that’s no surprise that its top brass had Top Secret clearance.

You need to remember that at the time, Bell Labs was part of ATT (which later became Lucent Technologies). Bell Labs regularly worked with the government of Secret and Top Secret projects, including satellites, interception equipment, encryption, etc. So its not unusual that a senior executive at what was one of the

Welcome to french cuisine. Butter is key.... and well, not all butter is the same. Evidently!

Though not terribly cheap, lenovo’s thinkpads (Im currently using a carbon x1 yoga) has a really good keyboard. And very nice touchpad as well (same as the 3rd and 4th gen carbon x1). Very nice machine. And when used in tablet mode, the keyboard becomes flush and keys don’t press in. so gives you a nice solid surface

Just one note. There are TWO different LIGO stations, each one with its own set of mirrors. It’s not that the laser goes from Louisiana to Washington and back, but rather two complete set of detectors exist to be order to pinpoint where the gravitational wave came from.

Except it was the Belgian police (Police Federale / Federale Politie) that posted it. The Netherlands had nothing to do with this (it’s a different country). The northern part of Belgium speaks Dutch (Flemish) though, and Brussels itself is Bilingual. Funnily enough, the hashtag used was in English which makes this

Totally agree. If you don't have a privacy screen I assume you don't mind me watching. I don't purposely look but there are a ton of plain irresponsible people on planes. How many times I've seen direct competitors of mine (even when we've sometimes acknowledged that we work for competitors or even my laptop has my

Its a tad more complicated than that.. Actually, the GPS system was one of the first "comercial" systems that needed to take into account the effect of both special AND general relativity to get an accurate result. It's mindblowing that GPS actually works.. amazing technology. But thanks to sigmaoctans for clarifying

Jitter in the clock of a DAC makes sense. Yes, it can add all sorts of harmonic distortions. Regular DACs would derive their clock from the raw bitstream received through the SPDIF or I2S interface and having noise there would affect the quality of the sounds. Also, since there was no feedback loop to the transport

please dont quote that "article"... from the same guys that refuse to do double-blind tests. All of the data, whether from an SSD or HDD goes through a cache in RAM so the actual source has zero influence. These same guys also use "directional" ethernet cables and other whizz-bang technology...

Well written. I dealt with SS7 almost 10 years go. Very interesting protocol but indeed, a big chunk of its security relied on the fact that the network was off-limits to the rest of the world. You brought some memories back with the mention of GTT. I used to work bringing up pre-paid billing systems on IN for GSM. So

but it definitively has nothing to do with "electromagnets". Was it a sync function? maybe... but the old logo was clearly the golden gate and this one is just simpler

100Gbps is the highest non-multiplexed speed you can get. (actually, 200Gbps on single wavelenghts already exists). You can multiplex up to 50 such signals in a single fiber (the existing ones already laid under the ocean). This is NOT multi-mode fiber but, as the text mentions it, "few mode"... which is very

not sure what you mean with the left-hand-side toolbar.. it looks exactly like outlook 2013

3M is magical when it comes to these kinds of things... man that's a great company!

google authenticator also works for a quite a few non-google servcices. I even use it for my microsoft and Amazon's AWS accounts.

and they haven't supported it since forever!

Well.. it wasn't just chocolate. But there's a reason why French invented patisserie. Its on a different level of detail and technique. A mix between art and science.

yes... you are. This is french patisserie. It doesn't get any better than that and gloves actually hamper the cooks in the kitchen and do nothing to prevent contamination

And they need just rename it gifv to denote that its an mp4 converted from an uploaded gif.