
MD and DO schools are different. DO schools are supposed to be more holistic in their approach than MD school but every person I know who went to a DO school went because they couldn’t get into a traditional MD school. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Of course Joanna Rothkopf’s boyfriend and son Timothee was polite enough to wait in line. She has been an excellent girlfriend and mother to him.

So we’re all autistic as well?

I’m so sorry for your loss. I had to put my first cat down last October and it killed me. I got her when she was 3 months old and she was only 9 when she died (suddenly, no warning). I could say so much about her, but I’ll just say she was special. It’s so difficult to lose our babies.

Bad Teacher is underrated.

I’m so sorry. I totally understand. It’s the worst. Other other people who have had a pet like that understand. Everyone else thinks you’re a drama queen.

I’m so sorry. I lost my old guy a couple of weeks ago. It’s the pits.

I’m so sorry. Had to do the same in Oct...

I’m so sorry for your loss :(

I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I’ve got 2 boy cats (one with GI lymphoma) and am dreading that day... Funnily enough, we call the younger kitty Garbage Cat. :) Glad you’re healing and feeling better.

Sorry for you loss. We have a 14 (or so) year old tuxedo tabby girl. She has a couple of health issues (onset of renal failure) and I dread the day we’ll have to do the same, which will most likely be sooner rather than later.

Oh no, I’m so sorry. *hugs*

My cat adores my wife and I (unless it’s during the two hours between when I get home and when I feed him dinner, then he’s a demon until we play with him). Spends most of his time when we’re home on one of our laps, sleeps between us in bed, and actually cuddles me every morning as soon as he sees I’m awake. As in,

I know that it’s popular trope that all cats hate their owners, but how many of you all have cats that do actually like you?

All three of mine love being around me, and demand to be loved on and cuddled. I’d post a picture of the three them with me on my bed but Kinja is being dumb.

I’m surprisingly invested in learning how things panned out with Ruby.

Personally, I thought the first season was hilarious, but I did watch it all in one day so maybe that helped? Regardless, I’m excited for season 2.

I’m guessing it has something to do with miniature horses or mocking the name Tom-Tom.

Look, all I really cared about was: Do I have a shot with Lee Pace or no?

I too found my recipe for chocolate chip cookies online. I never tell anyone where I got it, and they always offer to pay me for a batch of cookies.

I actually make the best chocolate chip cookies. They are oatmeal (stay with me), peanut butter (keep staying), bittersweet chocolate chip cookies. They taste nothing like oatmeal or peanut butter. They are chewy AND crispy, and not at all too sweet. I’m “famous” for those cookies, my no-corn syrup pecan pie, my guava