

I really enjoyed this. When my husband and I started dating, we had a long, serious, and totally hot conversation about sex. We’re both incredibly frank and irreverent people anyway, so we both just laid it all out there, and I think that’s a huge reason we have such a good sex life. I’m into kinky sex, he’s into

Radiohead’s “Kid A” is on this list and so therefore the entire list is categorically invalid.

Agreed. (And I really like both those albums.) I feel like the swipe at “Kid A” is supposed to be a swipe at all the terrible men who go on and on and on about “Kid A” (and I hate those guys too), but Radiohead fans include A LOT of women, and there’s not really any macho posturing in “Kid A” — I actually think one of

I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.

I recognize that listmaking is inherently flawed and there is more than one album I, a woman, like on this list but I will legit fight you on “Kid A” come at me I’M READY.

It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my


Right?! God, why are you following me everywhere?! Give me my space!!!!

I totally apologized to my diary for neglecting it, and would often open entries by asking my diary how it’s doing, all conversation-like. “Dear Diary, how are you doing today? My day has been CRAZY. Let me tell you about it...” The diary is a friend, a witness. Apologizing is just a thing and you have to accept it.

So this brings me back to the question I asked about a life sentence. If we accept that we have a punitive system, then we also need to accept that someone who has served their sentence has learned their lesson and we relinquish our right to take the moral high ground on everything they do afterward. “Criminal”

I am not a snitch.

It is ok that I would like to try him but I wouldn’t want to cuff him?

We did just get what is probably the most progressive parental leave policy signed into law.

Just goes to show that it’s all bs. Politics is nothing but interactive theater.

This is one of those Derek Bentley ‘Let him have it’ ambiguous sentences. People are arguing whether he is actually saying ‘If you Beyonce lets me off the leash, then I will fuck up’ (abdicating personal responsibility) or ‘If I give myself the chance, colloquially phrased as ‘if you let me’, I will fuck up because I


Hard nay. In Florida I witnessed ice in RED wine. Blasphemy.

Wait. Wut?