
I think if she caught him she was going to try to beat the shit out of him, but yes, mostly just to get something identifying. Thank you! Unfortunately that wasn’t the first or the last experience I’ve had where a male was a disgusting pile of garbage, but definitely one of the scariest. Men are so fucking gross.

God, the stories about Taylor Swift’s stalkers lately and this one with Sandra Bullock makes me feel so terrible for them.

I know most people were thirsting for Michael B. Jordan, but I was all for M’Baku. I immediately Googled the actor after I saw the movie and, to my horror, realized there are not enough pictures of him on the internet.

My god, this is so depressing.

EYELASHES: everyone I know gets extensions, but I don’t want to spend the money even though I have stubby, barely-there lashes. I’ve tried what feels like a thousand lash primers and mascaras. The only products that have actually given me long, thicker lashes that you can actually see is this combination:

Holy crap, according to Wikipedia she’s only 37 years old. I would not have guessed.

I literally told my husband “I think I want a divorce” ONE YEAR before I finally moved out and we separated. The entire ONE YEAR he did absolutely nothing to address the situation until two weeks before I moved out. Then he suddenly thought we could turn things around if “we” worked really, really hard.

Oh man, yes to everyone telling you how much they hate being married once you’re separated/divorced! I’ve been divorced a year after a year of separation and my ex-husband’s cousin wanted to get together to “catch-up.” All I did for two hours was listen to her tell me how she envies my life and how much she hates her

We had a few days (maybe a week?) of sunny skies in the Pacific Northwest a couple of weeks ago, but now we’re back into winter.

A lot of people think it’s mediocre but it made me laugh my ass off. She and Timothy Olyphant are really funny together.

I was just thinking “well, at least he’s probably going to be as ugly as his brothers.”

She was in Gangs of New York which was directed by Scorceeze and had Daniel Day-Lewis in it, so I think that counts?

I’ve been this way basically my entire dating life and I’m 35 now. I can’t speak for your friend, but for me it’s this unrealistic idea that there’s someone out there who’s just, like, the PERFECT match for me, and hey, maybe it’s this guy! I’ve talked myself into A LOT of relationships.
It’s a lot about not knowing

Haha, me too! I just spent forever googling it but I think I’m going to have to watch the whole episode to find out.

My boy cat and I were really bonded and he looooooooved me. I had to put him down a month ago and I’m only just coming out of a deep depression over it.

I loved it too! I laughed so much!

Now I need to know why Lisa blocked Kara on Twitter. Apparently I missed the story.

I have two recipes I found randomly on the internet: one for a giant chocolate chip cookie, and one for taco seasoning. I’ve been using them for years and people LOVE them. I never, ever correct anyone when they say “oh my God, Garbage Cat makes the best cookies!” or “you should bottle and sell your taco seasoning!”

I think dogs are cute but I really don’t like how submissive and eager to please they always are. I prefer the “fuck you” attitude of a cat and I think I’d prefer a cat guy.

I moved in with my boyfriend, who has a dog, and it’s like having a goddamned toddler running around all over the place. The insatiable need for attention! And the shedding, my god! I have to clean up after him every day. It’s like, if I wanted a kid, I’d have given birth to one. I much prefer cats.