
And while we're at it, why are bluray players backward compatibility with dvds? Shouldn't we be demanding more from our movie studios than just making it possible for us to watch old movies too? Perhaps our desire to watch the Godfather or Casablanca or Lawrence of Arabia in high definition is simply "an entire

See, but from where I'm standing Don never leveraged his genuine emotional experiences, he leveraged the emotional experiences he longed for. The Carousel commercial is a perfect example of that; he sells it based on a sense of nostalgia that he can't understand. His whole life is spent running from his past, not

These articles on the movie are far funnier than the movie has any chance of being.

The Cylons were right.

This clip made me hate Chris Pratt a little, and I didn't know that was possible. God that was poorly written.

This show has for a long time leaned on contrivance and a misunderstanding of US politics for drama, but at this point it has just become too much to really stomach. After finishing this season I don't think I've ever hated a television show more. Usually I either lose interest or am disappointed, but House of Cards

The New Deal cut spiraling unemployment from a high of 25% to 15% in four years, corrected the stock market and raised GDP. Then in 1937 FDR and the Republicans reversed the New Deal in an attempt to "tighten our belts," leading to the second crash in 1938 and a spike in unemployment. The only "failure" of the New

Underwood became much less impressive when I realized all the plotting, murder and backroom deals were focused on one thing: becoming the next Gerald Ford.

Even the positive reviews seem to damn it with faint praise. "It's not nearly as bad as we thought it was going to be and not quite as bad as the book, so…"

How is it difficult to take him seriously? Being able to write something compelling is often independent of a good copy-editing ability. Yeats, Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Faulkner were all great writers who weren't great editors and made a lot of grammatical and spelling errors.

The only one I see being a pompous asshole is you. Your comments have added nothing to this comment thread except to derail it. Errors have nothing to do with artistry and your pedantic douche-baggery is why I wish they still had downvotes. Was meaning obscured by the typos? No? Then stop trolling.

Goddamn it.

And why doesn't Batman dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?

I agree about Shadow of Mordor. I've been playing that pretty heavily since it came out, and coming back to Assassin's Creed I was shocked at how badly the combat system seems in comparison. AC's combat is unresponsive, frustrating and sometimes silly with very few actual options. I was actually surprised because

I'm a little bit baffled that you're taking the entire "heaven" subplot at face value. Obviously they are working towards some sort of payoff that will have nothing to do with any religious idea of heaven. Someone is collecting people and monsters that have contact with the Doctor, possibly transporting them out

Strangely (or not so strangely, since this has been popping up on Netflix lately), my wife wanted to watch this over the weekend, but I said I didn't because I had heard it wasn't a great movie. I now realize I was mistaking it for Robin William's "Father's Day." I might have to revisit this.

I'm embarrassed by how far I read before I realized this wasn't a metaphor.

Nothing gets my pulse pounding like the routine renewal of a status of forces agreement.

I hate you. Now all I want to see is a Garak/Sloan interrogation scene.

I think it's neat that Simon Kinberg still gets work. I mean, any sane company would run in the opposite direction of the writer of "XXX:State of the Union," "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "X-Men 3: The Last Stand," "Jumper," and "This Means War." But not only is he still writing movies, he's wrote X-Men:Days of Future Past