
My biggest problem with it wasn't so much the sexual assault, which is often depicted as an ugly reality (especially in this world), but the way it changes a major character. At this point in the book Jaime is turning from being a horrible murdering scumbag to someone with at least an inkling of a conscious, realizing

Maybe I was just reading that wrong. I thought by saying "pushing Jaime away and sobbing" it meant she was able to get out and away from him, rather then pushing against him trying to make him stop and telling him no.

So I'm a little bit confused. Is it possible there are two different versions of the rape scene that were shown? Because before I watched the episode, I read a review that said that she held her son's hand during the course of the rape, which didn't happen on the version I saw (although she did grab the blanket he

Wait, if the doctor is assisting, doesn't it stop being masturbation?

I was in total shock, I was lucky enough not to be spoiled… and I generally ignore hype commercials saying the next episode is going to be shocking or revelatory; I generally ignore it as just spin. Even when they were at the hospital, I still thought that Will would survive, I was even thinking, "Oh, this is how

Jon Huntsman supports global warming?! What kind of monster supports global warming? Is he a bond villain?

That's true, I didn't mention him because I didn't mention Gore for Kaepernick; I was more thinking about targets for him to throw at. But it does make a huge difference having a good running game and a running back as an outlet… although I think the 49ers have an advantage there as well with the Gore/Hunter combo.

Well, statistically Kaepernick and Smith are actually pretty similar this season. Smith has a slightly better touchdown to interception ratio (23/7 compared to 21/8) and was slightly more accurate (60% compared to 58%). However Kaep had a higher yards average, 7.7 compared to Smith's 6.5. That being said, Kaep was