
It’s foreign to you, your understanding of NFTs is minimal. Just like older people who refuse to use or touch computers.

As someone who is invested and understands NFTs

“As a very smart person who knows lots of things, let me tell you about how smart I am and how many things I know. I am very smart about things that you are not smart about, but no, I will not explain how the smart things I know are actually smart or useful, you’ll just have to trust me about how smart I am.”

NFT bro makes a bunch of positive assertions about NFTs but provides no actual evidence to backup the assertions (other than the fact that blockchain games are slow and nothing new).  Sounds about right.

Please, how could Elden Ring compare with Kirby: Forgotten Whatever or Slime Ranchers 2

I find your lack of Elden Ring disturbing...

If they had any tact, that level would never be made.

You know what, at this point I’m rooting for him to never finish ASOIAF. Take it to the grave, my man. I have never seen such an ungrateful, impatient, ignorant fan base.

A large part of the cost of old console games were the proprietary cartridges used by each system. That’s far less of an issue with discs and not an issue at all with digital distribution. On top of that, old consoles games didn’t have overpriced DLC or MTX, whereas almost every modern AAA game has both.

$70 for a day-one, cross-platform release on multiple storefronts? I could get on board with that.

im just gonna pirate it. hope that helps.

Shut the fuck up.

Now, now, I’m sure the Epic Store is just charging more to off-set the rising cost of shipping and manufacturing all those disks to stores across the country.

so see you in 2024 I guess?

Speaking of gross behavior, did everyone else all ready know about this?

Why bookmark this page when there are about 1000 other pages that lay out this information in a much more legible manner? Try harder.

Kudos for doing something different with the ip

It’s like the Bert and Ernie thing. People wanted them to be gay so bad but at the same time we don’t often see a relationship like that between two straight men portrayed as normal and healthy.

They would also say that if they were just roommates, just like in real life people make assumptions and be wrong as hell.