Why on every Kotaku thread about literally any game there is someone explaining how they don’t like the game in question. I don’t want to be rude but nobody cares.
Why on every Kotaku thread about literally any game there is someone explaining how they don’t like the game in question. I don’t want to be rude but nobody cares.
Perfect example of how shameful it is to express anything about male sexuality at the moment. Someone immediately assumes that I’m advocating for a return to the bullshit of the past. Nah man, none of that should come back. But it’s perfectly fine for men to be attracted to women, and even talk about it in a way that…
MGSV, or as I like to call it “what if Peace Walker didn’t respect you or your time?”
I’m with you. I’ll take a well thought out single player game with awesome moment to moment things over open world. Everything is just about open world these days anyway and I’m getting tired of it.
To be honest I don’t really understand the facination with open-world games. Sure, there are some REALLY fun ones out there, but it also feels like it’s one of those words that makes people instantly froth at the mouth and slap the ‘masterpiece’ stamp on games instantly.
This has been talked about at length since the announcement of Bayonetta 2. Literally nobody would fund it—Nintendo is the reason the Bayonetta sequels even exist.
Nobody wanted to publish Bayo2. Nintendo offered. There’s your answer.
Maybe you want a game of Global Thermonuclear War?
I find it amusing that you say this considering that, scientifically speaking, PA is the best one this week and the most consistently amusing one of this batch of comics.
You say that like re-ordering any other comics this week would do anything but just give you a different comic to complain about.
Yeah, let’s stop sitting indoors and staring at screens, get out of the house and go to a building where you pay twelve bucks to sit indoors and stare at a screen. But now you’re surrounded by strangers, you can’t pause the movie, and all the food costs $30. This is better, we promise.
Found the Puyo Puyo esports player. ;)
Single player games have to be easy and cater to you?
Thank you for posting the list so we dont have to click through the slideshow. Also this was a super lazy slideshow, someone just looked at top adult swim/cartoon network shows from 1995-2005
Hitman 3
Why does it have to make sense by todays standards? This is another planet far in the future, who’s to say it’s not a combination of other characters and languages? If I remember correctly, in certain cyberpunk and futuristic stories, this is exactly how the current language is explained.
Nah. And I’m sure there are more instances like that behind the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”